Trying to make my own soil mix! :) Tips Appreciated!


Active Member
I'm still not sure exactly how the nute schedule of cannabis....or any plant for that matter works, I have 3 healthy flowering females using phosphorus as the main nutrient throughout somehow...veg was kind of slow but they're about 1.5' right now 4 weeks into flowering....enough babbling, soil mix time!

(this mix is for my 8 babies under my T5's)

I've gathered Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Dolomitic Limestone, Perlite, Vermiculite, Peat Moss, and Epsom Salts.

so far I've figured

2pts Peat Moss (18L)
1pt Perlite (9L)
1pt vermiculite (9L)

how much blood, bone, dolomite lime, and epsom salts should I add to this mix?

The Good Doctor

Active Member
That is a good start, you might try throwing in some Sub Culture B & M or Great White, for microbes(don't forget if using microbes, you need to use a form of sugar as well, floranectar etc.), and try coco pete in your mix as well. Also clay pebbles if you want more water and air space, especially in larger containers. Vermiculite is the most useless of the three ingredients on your list. You are on the right track limiting worm meals and barks etc. . .


Well-Known Member
I also agree that vermiculite isn't necessary. I don't use it because it's toxic to your lungs if you breathe in the dust. It's supposed to help retain water, but if you water them on time, there's no other reason to use it, IMO. I also don't like the idea of using epsom salt in your mix. It has lots of excess salts, and I don't like to use it, for that reason.(it really raises the PPM of fert mixes, when added) Get some Calmag or similar product, and you'll be better off. :)