

Well-Known Member

IM on xans lean gas n i boutta go to the bar wit my cuz

everyone have a good night


Well-Known Member
How are you on nitrous at a bar? I've heard of oxygen bars...
Be careful with drinking and tends to wake up beside big mistakes after that combo...


Well-Known Member
as gas i mean sour diesel lol my bad
and xanax and liqour i got it under the belts a few wit no problems but you never know but thanks for the advoice bruh

what you on tonight ROry


Well-Known Member
Oil and some brew..was gonna trip but I hadda friend coming in the a.m to look at my dryer.
Turkey day trips..only after football..I'm a giants fan so I don't need to buy a new dryer AND a new


Well-Known Member
right lol tv over dryer evrery time wen the games on man i would love to trip some time ha ha last time i tripped on some penis evys my brain was squared bro


Well-Known Member
I get a little too into football and tend to channel everyday frusterations into a fumble,and that leads to anger and cussing/yelling/throwing beers ect..I'm never like that unless its football..and lsd and those types of emotions do NOT mix..I usually end up being a cynical asshole for the rest of the good times to be


Well-Known Member
Do you like psychedelics? Ever tripped? I highly suggest the proper context I suppose..don't take it for your first time and go to a bar or party..


Well-Known Member
yeah i have i done extacy plenty of times molly a handfull and shroom a lot but never lsd but yea i know to chill in a comfortable place for the first few time till you can kinda control then venture out lol
but yeah its on my radar im lookin for a plug lookin for a legit one
i love shrooms oh got they get me on a cloud


Well-Known Member
Ok..I'm old...why do people call exctasy 'extascy' and molly 'molly' it because of the difference in pills and the powder? Its the same damn chemical!! When I was young,pills were beans or rolls,or wafers..molly was molly..all was
Btw,the term molly started on dead tour from what I reckon..we were calling it 'molecule powder'..and it shortened to molly..


Well-Known Member
lol iknow what it is im just use to the term habit lol i konw its all the same chem just different mdma is molly but extacyis mdma some form of adulterant but if you get a good batch it can high in mdma

lol thats awsome how you know how the term came about im gettin into the dead little by lil by just lurkin round a bit