TUTANKHAMON and super cheese


Active Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Super cheese below image.jpeg image.jpeg The 3-1/2 week old from seed super cheese and king tuts
Happy frog
Ocean forest
Light warrior soils

GH nutes

6.7 ph

600ml water and nutes every other round

1 gal pots

using some for clones for outdoor grow

400w MH
220 solar flare
50 illumitex

Bout 18 inch high got 4 others in room so had to find a happy medium for coverage did stretch a lil but not to bad



Well-Known Member
Subbed for king tut! (Thinking of buying it) look fantastic tho keep it up

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Active Member
Yeah hopefully it smokes good , I've heard mixed things bout it after I purchased , these are gonna be for a outdoor comin up with comes cloning gonna be goin to autos for indoor and tryin a variety , got this mad idea for a cross of could strains to create my own once I get it goin imma share hopefully become sowmtning Great , both the tuts and the cheese have been great growing fast growing forsure at just 23 days old they have def been reaching for the sky .. Gonna keep posting threw out this grow to show people .. Thinkin bout doin some main lining ... One of the tuts idk got a oppisitie trait but is a lot shorter and bushier then the other two and we're all started at same time same everything so should be interesting to see the outcomes of them both


Active Member
Have u ever grew autos ... Some people say use tall square containers other say it Dnt matter but use notning more then 5gal , just tryin to find someone that has and is willing to share some do and don'ts , my biggest question was do u just let me grow do u top do u super crop do you LST ,


Well-Known Member
Container shape don't matter unless your trying to pack the most in one space 3 gal would be best for a auto I wouldn't bother pruning lst maybe... maybe... as soon as they pop the clock starts ticking so you don't want to slow them down

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Active Member
That's what I was thinkin the less stress the best yield what is some realistic numbers for yeilds , I wouldn't consider my self a expert but def not a noob , tbink my set up and my nutes are in check .. I no it depends on strain but I'm tbinking 3 to 5 oz is realistic ... I'm tbinking topping early twice and LST on others to just see what will work ... Never did autos so I'm sure the first round will be hit and miss .. So I got a 4x4 or I can open the side room to a 4x6 what would be a max number of plants with my light setup . I was thinkin 5 .. What bout scrog screen any luck with that


Well-Known Member
All together? Or per plant maybe a oz 2 tops per plant. By the way when you say "using clone for outdoors you don't plan on cloning the autos do you?

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Active Member
No no clones for auto lol my bad sorry for my poor explanation. Im cloning my tuts and my cheese for outdoor the autos will be indoor but I was thinkin of doin a auto or two outside .. I got a daylight table and bout April 20 we hit 13 hours of daylight here were I'm from topping out around 14.5 by mid summer and sept 20 hitting the 12/12 cycle still leaving bout a solid month of mid weather before it gets cold so I'm thinkin bout starting a auto or two in June ... And 2 oz wow really I've seen some posts were guys have gotten 200 g 150 240 most averaging around 115 to 170grams


Well-Known Member
For the outdoors alot higher but alot of factors for the autos I would say 3 but that's really pushing it

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I'm sure it's gonna be interesting to see what comes of it , one more question the harvest days that the banks give like 75 day 55 day are those accurate I check the tris with a lighted scope but will those days they give us accurate ... Thanks for the help on the autos , I no some Dnt like to share tips and hints


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's gonna be interesting to see what comes of it , one more question the harvest days that the banks give like 75 day 55 day are those accurate I check the tris with a lighted scope but will those days they give us accurate ... Thanks for the help on the autos , I no some Dnt like to share tips and hints
There more of a guide line then a set in stone just don't as my nute brand or how I use it ;) it's a secret haven't seen anyone say anything about it yet but it out preforms everything on the market for a third of fox farms and it's very popular in norcal

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Well-Known Member
Not really secret a secret I mean it's not hidden from the shelves it's just not talked about and barley known outside of norcal where it was invented in the emerald triangle and for good reason why do you think the best bud is grown there perfect conditions rich soil and people that know what there doing

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Well-Known Member
Well hopefully I stumble on it one day lol ...
Only tip I'll give you is its a 2 part bloom 1 to get good blooms going then the other to max yield and 2 part bloom booster 1 to max yeild and one to max thc smell and taste

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Thinkin I no what ya talkin bout lol . Was actually looking at it the other day if I ain't mistaken .... Thanks for all he info and tips ... Much appreciated


Active Member
Man so far so good , I just main lined two last night and for bout hour yesterday she drooped but bam back up prayin , I've transplanted em once no shock actually seemed like they grew a inch overnight lol , been a reall fast growin ladies really , I got 3 goin two r tall and got one shorty I'm assuming got what a diffrent phenotype , only w few inchs shorter then the other two but lil bushier then the other two but seem to be ggrowin at same pace , I'm sure excited to see how they do outdoors , got a combo of experiments outdoors imma try and see how well they take to it , will keep everyone posted forsure on the indoor grow and outdoor , got some super silver from Dinafem my mouths watering so bad I wanna start lol did slip just one for a outdoor plant... Gonna have some fun with these three strains then move on . Wanna try some Tahoe og and others mayb some trainwreck and jack h who knows ..