Tying down branches starting fifth week of flowering


Active Member
Did some reading not sure if its okay to tie down some branches?I am mostlly wanting to pull them out from the center of the plant.I initially did some lst during veg but there is a shitload of lower branches with buds not getting any light.Is it too late to try this i know to be careful and not pull them too much.As always any help or input is appreciated.



Active Member
Hey u can but be very careful. I had a huge plant and lost a branch trying to do the same thing. U can move ur light around, buy some small CFL's to go around the plant. My plant is at 5 weeks also. Would love to see some pics


Well-Known Member
CFL'S are no good for flowering waste of electric stick to hps,tieing the brances down is fine.tie a section of gardening string to the brance then tuck it under the pot,or i drill holes in the top of my pots for this reason.i think it said you was at week 5 so growing should slow down now,but getting extra light into the plant helps the buds become more dence .............tyke


Active Member
I have a 600 hps going plus a bunch of fluors about 2 feet up from the ground they still dont get much light with the jungle under there hoping pulling them out a bit would help. Will this stress em out and slow down production of buds? I am only planning on doing 4 or so per plant. Thanks


Active Member
you may already know this but... before you start tugging at those big bastards... water about an hour before. this will make them bend more easily and not so prone to a break. good luck man. tie em down! btw.. the bud growth on the bottom (where the light shines not) when you tie down will virtually stop.. so youll end up with a half bud more less at the point you tie down at least. this is assuming you dont have side lighting.


Active Member
Why would I ever cut the top buds off now? Some are already 7 inches long and fatter then a golf ball.As to the lower buds stopping growth because i gave them more light? The last 2 posts make no sense to me granted I am new to indoors but common sense seems to not play a role here.Anyone else? HELP! DOZER


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt fully tie them down, like you would an LST. maybe pull them apart a few more inches...
if the lower buds are really small right now, like they wont produce anything, just snip them off, but not a bunch at a time.

you should practice some lollipopping, starting in veg.


Well-Known Member
just bend some out the way or tie them out the way to get light to them...looking very mate...well done you ;-)


Active Member
Thanks the lower buds are the size of quarters and about 2/3 inches long.I dont really care about the tiny popcorn buds growing any more but would like to see the ones i pull sideways to at least thicken up. I cant imagine them halting growth all together.Anyone else with some input? I do have side lighting 40 watt fluors all around my room


Active Member
So yea I pulled shit to the side so the colas in the middle could get more light, plus I would manipulate lower branches so that they pointed up
1-16-12 Day 11 of flowering 001.jpg1-16-12 Day 11 of flowering 002.jpg1-16-12 Day 11 of flowering 003.jpgThese pics are 3 weeks ago. Now I got colas as long as my arm, as thick as my wrist, and a nob on the end as thick as my wrist, I wish. Actually they are about 6"-8" long and very thick and sticky

Plants 004 (2).jpgpppppp 001.jpgpppppp 002.jpgpppppp 004.jpgpppppp 008.jpgThese pics are today. 400whps.

1-30-2012 007.jpgI have a Veg room and this is day 1, for this little girl"Orange Crush"pppppp 009.jpgDay 7, and I germinated her sister and planted her today. They will be under 22hours of light for the next week or two. A 250wmh.


Active Member
I tied colas down in week 7 and they came out massive and perfect so don't listen to the BS about not tying them down. Your lower growth will keep growing also, so that's more BS.

This round I cut off all the lower branches so the plant will send all its love to the top nugs. Small nugs are a huge pain in the ass at harvest. I wound up making butter with most of them.


Active Member
Well chemist thank you much you and a few others see to be the only knowledgable ones. Why wouldnt the lower buds keep growing? More light more ventilation it only makes sense.I guess people want to shop around on opinions before ruining their whole crop on some misinformed bullshit!!!THanks again to all that made sense with my grow.Dozer