U think 3 gallon growbags are big enough?


Junior Creatologist
So i got 8 plants in 3 gallon bags right now, im a little over 2 weeks into the grow.

Now, ive done a grow before in 3 gallon bags, but it was a LST grow, and i kept the plant under a foot even now when its a week or so from harvest. My question is, has anyone had experience with a regular grow using 3gallon bags?? im using them right now to maximize space in my tent, but i wanna make sure that its enough room, because its not worth it if shit becomes rootbound.


Junior Creatologist
all i want is a couple opinions. I know the logistics of it all, and i know that its beneficial to have the larger bags, but i wanna know how a 3gallon grow would turn out. just how much would it actually effect the yield directly??