UFO LED and CFL in a Closet Tent

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I am a long time smoker, and 2nd attempt at growing. The first attempt was 10 years ago when i was 18. Didn't work out. I started with bagseed, since this is just an experiment. (If it works out, im leaning towards Jack Herer, White Widow, and/or L.A. confidential). I started with 2 CFLs for the seedlings, then i ordered one of those 225 LED low power panels. It's enough for the first week, and only draws 14 Watts.

The reason i chose LEDs. Power and heat. I have limited ventilation ability, and my power bill is too high as it is. I wont elaborate more on my circumstance for security reasons.

After the first week, they really started stretching, i could tell they needed more light. I got one of those 90w LED UFOs and stretching stopped, and rapid growth began. Its enough for vegging, im sure, but i may get a 150-250 watt HPS to add to flowering. We'll see.

Right now im at almost a month since germination, and im 3 to 5 nodes high on all 5 plants. (im guessing only 1-3 are gonna be female)

I'm not looking for a discussion on why HIDs are better than the way im doing it, cause i know. I cant use 400 watts for 18 hours a day. or even 12 for that matter.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I added a 42w 6500k "daylight" CFL today. Hopefully that adds to the blue, and helps with vegging. So far, including all fans and lights, im using 264 watts. not a whole lot as far as grows grow, but im thinking it will be enough for now. They are growing so fast now. Im about 3 weeks in, and i made the beginner mistake of using MG moisture control soil. (I at least knew enough to mix in perlite) Is it to early to nute? I was thinking a quarter dose of FF Big Bloom every other watering. Does anyone have experience with using MG pre nuted soil? Anyone know of what store might carry Fox Farms nutes?


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I've added Fox Farms Big Bloom a few times, and Fox Farms Grow Big once. I went light on both. I like what I've seen so far. There are 5 total plants, and they are all growing at their own rate. 2 stayed in smaller pots longer, and one is mad at life because of it. I think i let it get root bound. 3 of them are really strong growers, 1 in particular. I hope the strong one is a female! I already smell the plants when i walk in the room. Next planned purchase is a carbon filter and impeller style blower.

I welcome comments. This is my first grow and its going well so far.


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I transplanted to larger pots today. I think im about a week or 2 from changing my light cycle. Its showing pre-flowers on all plants, and the stalks are getting thick. Most of the plants were just about at the point of being root-bound. I also used a better soil. I originally used MG moisture control, and for this i used FF Ocean Forest. That soil smells great! I mixed in a little extra perlite, but not much. These pots are way deeper than what i had. Temps have been pretty high this week too, going to get more ventilation soon. But they keep getting bushier and taller, and they look fairly healthy.
I welcome comments.


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Since last post, I have changed the light cycle. 3 of the 5 are showing sex already. One of my plants is a really strong, fast grower. Germinated in 2 days, vegged bigger than all the rest, has stood strong even when i let the heat get too high, and it showed sex 3 days after the light cycle changed! I have been crossing my fingers since it germinated for it to be female. I just checked it, now 6 days into 12/12, and every node has white pistils shooting out! I took one cutting of each plant before i changed the light cycle. The strong one, i call "strongy", should make a good mommy until i can get some good genetics. I also found a guy in there! One of the plants that wasnt a very strong grower wound up growing some nutsacks at the nodes. so far, 2 females, one male, and 2 waiting to show.
Pic 1, flower tent
Pic 2, Strongy from up top. 3 days into 12/12
Pic 3, Don't get attached, he's a guy.


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
So im 12 days into flowering now. White pistils are shooting out everywhere, and bud formation is visible on the highest reaches. Of the 3 Females, 2 have Indica growth patterns, while the other is mostly Sativa. The Sativa is taller, and less bushy, and has 9-11 points on the leaves. The Indicas have 5-9 point leaves. They are really bushy, and have fatter leaves. I dont think they are pure indica or sativa, but indica or sativa dominant.

The first pic is the Sativa dominant. I tied the top down. (i know i should have done it during veg. calm down, its my first grow)

2 pics of all 3.

4th pic is the beginning of something beautiful.

BTW, thanks for your comments.


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
No major progress since last post, i just wanted to show some high quality pics of the early bud formation. All my previous pics have been with a cameraphone.

Some things i will say about first 2 weeks of flowering: They are thirstier than before i changed the light. I am having to adjust my lights daily. I am holding back on the nutrients for now; i think i will leach/flush the soil this week too. Some of the leaves were turned down at the end, and burned towards the end, and some were curling under at the sides, and most of the older leaves were slightly yellow. I have used plain water for the last few waterings, and the leaves have gotten greener. Learning how to pay attention to what the plant needs is one of the skills i was hoping to acquire through this grow, so im happy with the way its going.

The pics: 3 of flowering day 13.


CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I finally got around to flushing the soil. Going to start using Fox Farms Tiger Bloom soon. I'm also thinking of adding molasses, does anyone know off hand how much to add or when is best time to add?
I've also started to notice, if you look really close, some trichomes on the leaves that are closest to the nugget area. (cause "nugget" is the technical term.... right?) You may notice the CFLs are in a different place in every picture throughout my grow. I have to move them often to keep up with the growing plants, and each plant gets a little of each bulb as they rotate daily. (one is 65w 2700k, one 42w 6500k and one 30w 2700k) I will have another 65w 2700k soon, and a 26w UVB bulb within a week.

Do they look ok for 2 weeks into flowering?



Well-Known Member
Hell yah, way to go mange! all with a 90w ufo and a few cfl's. nice. I was interested in Led's also and picked up the 90w off ebay for like $156.00. Thought I snagged a deal. However, when I was using just the Led over them, it seemed to slow down growth process and stalled a bit on me? I quickly picked up a 400w hps for cheap off craigslist and went for a masterful experiment and record finish. The pink hue, that was coming from the led was definately increasing resin and trichomes everywhere all over the leaves especially, and of coarse some fat buds were generating. I'm gonna give it another shot sometime......here soon. I had to get legal first. Now, I'm in the comfort zone. lol

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
So i looked at my plants today, I am starting to see more budding sites, and whats there is getting bigger. One of the plants has pistils that are turning red just at the tip. Another one is really putting on the trichomes. Frosted nuggets and leaves, mmm! but i found bad news too, please help.

I found some sort of mold or fungus growing on some of the upper leaves of my strongest plant. Somebody please look at my pic and tell me what i can do about this! This is freaking me out, i dont want to lose this plant! Its only on one plant.

Also, the same plant dropped a bunch of lower leaves, it seems the lower fan leaves are just falling off. I know some is expected, but does it happen fast? it seems last week they didnt fall off as fast.



Well-Known Member
clip some of the lower leaves, and dieing ones, she is not getting enough air flow, its like a damn bush, and sometimes, it can be too bushy, same thing happened with my friends plant, was so beautiful, but got a shit load of mold, he had to trim her down ALOT, cause he caught it too late

free up some space in there

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Well, that sucks! I trimmed a bunch of leaves to give better ventilation, and pulled all the leaves that had the fungus on them. It was going pretty well, and then......

......And then i saw balls. The strong grower, which was covered in trichomes, and stanky, turned hermie! I considered keeping it, and just pulling the pollen sacks everyday. Its the one with the most trichomes, and it has the most female flowers. It was a really strong grower, looked potent, and seemed like a high yielder. I was really looking forward to keeping this plant. It looks like i will just have to get some good seeds for next time. Since it was covered in trichomes, and its been flowering for several weeks, i tried harvesting what i could. not a whole lot, and it probably wont be any good, but i couldnt throw it away.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3121721]Damn man, srry to hear, hope everything works out for you[/QUOTE]

It was the same plant that had the mold so i was already getting used to the idea of losing it. Now i have more room and light for the other 2, and i think they are loving that already. Now im down to 4 total, (which is the maximum i want around anyway) 2 flowering females, and their 2 clones almost ready for veg. I might trash the clones and order good seeds.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
what kind of seeds you thinking of getting? by the way nice grow so far bro:)
Thats a damn good question. I'm reminded of the scene in Weeds where andy and doug go walk around the convention, each time saying "this is the one" "fuck that last one, THIS is the one"

I keep looking at seed sites. I love both Indicas and Sativas, but i think im looking more towards indica, for my space limitations. Plus I love harvesting keif; its like smoking your weed twice. So im looking for something that is potent, high yielding, easy to grow, heavy on the trichomes, and with a short flowering time.

So what ive looked at so far includes:
NL5 - Haze
White Russian
L.A. Confidential
G-13 - Hashplant
White Widow
Big Bud
Violator Kush

And i could do this all day. Those are the top contenders.

I am very open to input here! Please anyone with experience with any of these, feel free to share any info!