UH just a question What happen to GUNS GUNS GUNS thread not even in my postings

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Well-Known Member
Did we violeate a rule or something..or was there a mess up....I was trying to give a LIKE to someone in GUNS GUNS GUNS and it said Im not authorized to do that and froze up I had to reboot and just came back and the thread is gone and every post i put in there is ereased from my profile where you can click on threads ive posted in...poof gone completely and i posted probley 9 times any body else haveing this problem....I can NOW click on like but not GUNS GUNS GUNS


Well-Known Member
no wonder i couldnt find it...

why would it get deleted? its still legal to own guns isnt it?


Well-Known Member
yea its leagal to own guns and I didnt see anyone posting anything against the law or out of line....everyone was polite and shareing......not sure what happened I know it locked my computer up when it said I wasnt authroized to click on like........


Well-Known Member
someone probably posted something they were not supposed too, also remember that having weed and guns in the same sentence or pic is usually bad juju.


Well-Known Member
I mean if we violated a rule and they deleted it I would at least like to of been told........so we wouldnt violate the rule again.


Well-Known Member
nah everyone was being nice, thats not it. and since it was in the correct forum (toke n talk) its definitely the fact that it was a gun thread.

i caught a lot of shit by a few people when there was a shotgun in the background of a pic i posted....i dont see why people freak out about it...


I was the only mod that posted in there, and I cant tell you where it went..... no guns must be the new rule of the month :)


Well-Known Member
like pony said, if we violated a rule...fine, but at least let us know what we violated so we dont do it again...


Well-Known Member
there were no talk of doing anything illeagle with guns.....talk of going to the range and proper use and training................cant see anything other that what was said guns talk in a drug forume may be frowned on but PLEASE let us know so we dont mess up again.
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