UK outdoor grow in plastic greenhouse


Active Member

I'm planning my first grow and as I'm very limited in my house for a grow room/space, I have decided on outdoor growing.

I didnt want my plants to battle the northern UK climate so I will be growing two plants in a tall 2m clear plastic greenhouse, which are pretty cheap. I will cut a few vent holes into the side to remove condensation and reduce rotting.

The area for the greenhouse gets light on it all day long and hopefully I will be able to grow some plants in large pots to max height for a good yield.

The plant I was thinking of using is Arjan's Ultra Haze #1.

Is this a good strain to grow in my conditions? If not any recommendations helpful.

When would be the best time to germinate and plant my seeds?

How often would I need to water, esp during the summer months?

How long would it take from seed to harvest?

Cheers for reading and any info is much appreciated.

Peace out :leaf:


Active Member
Brad,seeing your in the UK,try this link...
Subcool seeds are fucken dank gear,go to the organics section,check his blogs,the pics are worth your time.
Start germinating now,keep the on window sill till weather gets better.

Cheers Rix, jst had a look at the site, def was worth a look. If I germinate now wont they be ready to plant in less than a week? Its gonna be another month or two, around may, until the weather should be decent enough.