uk soil amsterdam grow


Active Member
Hi there was wondering if anyone is using soil and getting as good quality as amsterdam green, can u grow tight dense nugs with flavour and smell using soil or do u need to do hydro, im using canna terra pro soil and canna vega, flores, bloom and pk/13/14 for first ever grow attempt dont want to grow loose airy smoke ha heard canna is best for dutchy bud....cheers any input will be appreciated

doby mick

Active Member
Hi there Strawberry im using Plagron Bat mix and and a few extra bits and my results are second to none and my weed is as good as anything you can buy out of any coffee shop, i have just finished a Dready Cheese grow and wow i blown my own mind, also just done Kosher Kush, fuck its strong needs curing for a bit but well worth waiting for HAPPY DAYS


Active Member
cheers 4 the reply im gonna use those nutes i mentioned my m8 says ill get good bud and wit the 400w hps under 3 babies he says minimum 3oz each. Ive got Liberty haze, Tangerine Dreams and Silver Bubble ive smoked them in dam all amazing and i got some amnesia haze in uk just now and its coffeeshop material real dense no leafage smell amazing taste lovely and gets u chonged ha im hopin to standard that