

Well-Known Member
hahahahahaahahahahah what a damn loser bra. im the only one to even look at ur retarded fourm.sooo sad u got so mad America BEAT you u had to find a new fourm.haha wow dude victory feels awesome maybe you will know how it feels somedayhahahaha.RIU is the #1 spot JUST LIKE AMERICA dont be mad you got beat.


Well-Known Member
Thats the real site!!!
Been there - done that! Part of me has to agree, but the other part just can't get my head around the metric system (millimeters, centimeters, celsius temperatures, not to mention litres) even though I know it is a far better system! I guess I'm just too old and set in my ways, my bad!

I have to say, as a whole, the group over at UK420 are the best informed, most cooperative and helpful bunch of potheads you're likely to find anywhere! I'm not saying UK420 is better than ROLLITUP, what I am saying is they don't bicker as much about stupid shit! And thier "experts" tend to explain things in such a way that can really be understood in depth.

For anyone that lives in the UK, you can get local information about locally available products, in the local (Queen's) English. I can't help but think about that famous quote "Two great nations, devided by a common language".