Ultimate guide to deficiency’s


Well-Known Member
click bait and for that I am sorry. However, all you hard working farmers out there feel the squeeze when under pressure and our emotions flow up and down with the garden.
I’m facing what appears to me to be a ca/mg or potassium deficiency I’m my 3 ladies. 2 POG chemdogxhashplant 13 and A Perma Frost. I started out trying the no til and I could break everything down on a day to day if anybody is that curious or have question please ask I keep sharp notes day to day. PF transplanted from 15 gal Roots to a 30 gal pro mix hp to finish. I had cover crops rolling and was mulching and have a very impressive worm farm/farms and everything seemed to be going well but I THINK to my best conclusion I’m missing a lot of my traces/micros because I’ve been using azomit and gs topdressing stylebut I’m not sure if my frequencies and dosages are correct. My cover crops always seemed to give me issues with pests( I’m outdoor in a Hawaiian jungle type setting and our IPM is rugged I had and am having a lot of success with simple AACT which is the light I am taking out of this and am not giving up! Last topdressing on 3/30/18 and most recently 4/6/18 1/2tsp m guano /1/2 tsp a guano/ pinch of sea l weed 1-0-12 12% being soluble watered in of course with a biologically active AACT. So anyway I’m sure there’s things I’m missing any questions with the feeding please ask I have everything in my garden notes. I also filial fed w/ camg 7 am and watered in with camg+ and liquid karma. Ph 6.5 ppm 750 ( two separate watering) **** we’ve also gotten 2 straight days of rain now which makes me think the water is flushing out things like ca/mg and possibly potassium? My last run off check water in 6.5 40 ppm water out 6.5 with a 1500 or so run off which would make sense so I don’t think this is a ph issue but...... I need the OG to tell me mahalo guys

