Ultimate Morning Glory Experience(LSA)


so a quite a while ago my cid connect ran out for a couple days and i was so set on tripping. i remember seeing shit online about obtaining LSA from morning glory seeds. im sure like EVERYONE ELSE i thought that it prob wouldnt work (after all the best things in life are illegal) and i would end up puking my guts out all night. but i was extremely set on tripping that day so i got approx. 300 seeds from my local walmart. when i got home i just straight up started chewing those bitches whole b/c i couldnt find a coffee grinder(after i rinsed them in water and soap of course). it didnt taste too bad, much like a plant of leaf. but i got them all down and chased with some water. thats when it begun.

T-5 mins go downtown to visit my little bro in the local pinhouse.

T-25 step out of the car and despite feeling pretty nautious i feel a little light so i assume it must be doing something.

T-30 i walk a couple blocks from where i park and enter the building where i begin to wait to go upstairs in a BIG ass line.

T-45 the line is about halfway down. i feel pretty good, slightly euphoric.

T-55 i finally go through the metal detect and get in the elevator to the 3rd floor.

T-60 upon waiting for my bro to come out, i enter the bathroom and notice significant pupil dialation.

T-65 i sit down and talk to X for a good twenty+ mins. euphoria subsides in the middle of the conversation

T-1h30m headed home now. on the way to the car i feel like my body could just drop to to ground in an instant on account of a wierd sense of drowsiness.
somehow the tall buildings look just a little bit bigger, slightly more magnificent, a tiny bit brighter. on the way home i feel heavy/light and think the trip may be coming to and end. perhaps i need to up my dose.

T-1h50m get home and feel oddly a bit drunk in a way, there's a little sump'n sump'n in my steps. you know how it is.

T-2h05m i go to down the street to mail some shit for my bro. slight change in conciousness, i start pondering things very deeply in a natural and philosophical manner.

T-2h10m i get home and go upstairs and lay on my bed. my thoughts are racing now, having 3 or 4 parallell things at once, ideas about everything easily flow into my mind. i feel good. happy. i whip out my ernie ball axis and jam a bit. something is coming.

T-2h15m BOOM! this shit comes crashing on me like a tsunami! the fretboard is warping and twisting. and everywhere i look for more than a couple seconds i start to see patterns of things, ESPECIALLY the ceiling! i feel fucking great.

T-2h15+ i load a fat bowl of some quality dank and one hits gets me fucked like no other! equivilant to about nice 4 hits for me when i wake up from a good nights rest.
i smoke the whole bowl (of course). and each hit brought me to a whole new level! in the middle of toking i see the back of two books facing one another each with the authors face printed on it. the longer i looked, the more they seemed to lean into eachother until they almost kissed. my mind is still thinking thinking like crazy! multiple thoughts at once about deep and profound things, (hard to describe but trippers know what i mean). everywhere i looked there was an extremely beautiful silvery smoke rising from it, like i was a giant in a 3-D movie or something. i searched for pics of nebulae and galaxies on google and it was rediculious! it seemed as though i was right the in the universe looking directly at that galaxy or whatever i was looking at. the picture seemed like a vision trough time and space. i felt that i could reach directly into the screen than actually touch what i saw but i knew i couldn't. i felt awesome! i felt as a part of my own body like i never have before. i felt complete and in total control of every single muscle in my body. i felt like one. i wished it wasnt dark outside and i could be in nature! in the woods, by a body of running water in the sunlight at that perfect temp. on that perfect day. that would have been pure ecstacy i know it. i couldnt stop thinking about the earth and and beatiful it really was. i was in this blissful state of mind for over five hours straight! and when i felt i was coming down, i just took a couple hits and got straight FUCKED again and again.

i had never really understood anything about life before i had ingested this shit. it opened up a whole new part of my mind i never knew existed in me. there is much more that happened that i cannot explain, it cannot be put into words but this experience as a whole has changed my life in an amazing way. i have a whole new outlook and mentality about how this earth and human life really works. anyone who says this is not worth it is an idiot. lsa is pretty different from lsd but it is well worth the effort. to people who get little or no effects: SMOKE A DAMN BLUNT or something smoke anything! schwag, dro, mids, whatever you got. even if you dont trip, it will still elevate your high by an enormous amount on account of the lsa in your body!

that was my first mg trip and have had a good bit of experience with it over the years. i dont know what all these people do wrong but it always works for me. although i dont straight up eat them anymore ha. hope this is of use


Well-Known Member
I second that shit..... two years ago I decided to do the same thing.
I bought like 20 packs of seeds from Army & Navy (50 cents each) and I just chomped them whole and chased with water.

I felt fucking hella sick.... but like 4 hours later I was WARPED. Shit was going crazy the roof was rippling the ocean... .. I know what you mean man, LSA trips are pretty dope.


lol the seeds didnt taste too bad. the cold wter extraction method is a lot easier on the taste buds, especially when mixed with orange juice.
but like i said it was well worth it!

look in the gardening section. if they dont have it there's a 90% chance you can find them @ your local h.depot

Sr. Verde

I remember a thread about someone extracting from a lb of seeds

crazy shit