Unbelievably insane?


Active Member
I have a baby plant, 3 weeks old from seedling, today.
I planted it in some extremely large bucket, so she (hopefully) doesn't get to tall. I've never grown before, but i've seen many many plants, and never ever have I seen a plant this healthy/strong as a newborn. She was planted in some extremely hard dirt. (could barely dig a whole big enough for her, because of the dirt being so hard). So, can anyone explain to me why it's so healthy, if it's practically in clay? Also.. I would like to know if its female, as I am a noob at growing, and am not sure if there are any signs of flowering yet. I'll post pics very soon.

New Grower 420

Active Member
you wont be at the flowering stage for awhile and untill then i dont know anyways of telling if its female besides cloneing and you probpably cant do that since your a noob like me haha


Well-Known Member
long time tell flowering if you want a small bush use "uncle bens toping teck" its the best , or she will be pretty big by aug when it flowers. It will also incrase yield.

Good luck grower!


Active Member
put a pick up if you want us to see it and how healthy it is. Its probly nothing special just a healthy plant which you are not used to since your a noob. Once you get the hang of growing i bet all your plants will look that healthy. PUT UP SOME PICS


Well-Known Member
Males have balls, females have hairs.

I'd say your plants are healthy because of the nutrients in the soil, the consistency doesn't matter much I don't believe, but I'm not expert.


Active Member
I'll be putting pics up tomorrow. I have more plants than this one, but this one is by far the healthiest, x5. lol

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
all plants show sex in 4 to 7 weeks in veg u just have to know what to look for. go check the faqs section for male female indicator photos and u will be in business.
keep it green n resiny,


Active Member
Thoughts? She (hopefully) is on day 22 D:
never had a plant so healthy :)
i'm glad. does she look good or no?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks good nuthin extraordinary. We need a nice quality up close pic on node sites when u have sumthin cumin out either pisils(hairs) or stamens (balls) to tell sex though. If u have struggled in the past good luck. I like to see people do good there's nuthin worse then seein a misgrown plant. Its not that hard to grow pot u just need to cover all parameters and never go overboard with anything.


Active Member
Well, I've never had a successful grow.. Cause its too hot where I live, but I found a perfect place for her, where she gets early morning sun and later sun when it cools off, so she doesn't get crispy >.<
My camera sucks btw. lol, I already see hairs though! and may I ask, what is a Node?


Well-Known Member
if thats straight up dirt in the pot it will b as hard as concrete after a few waterings and is not what u want . id repott with some good airy soil , or make ammendments to the dirt perlite ,greensand composted shit or any compost


Active Member
Yes, yes I know pink, its weird :O I have the soil, bucket and everything else but im afraid to transfer :/ idk how without damaging roots and what not... HELP :D:D


Well-Known Member
get a spade and dig it up , u no leave dirt around roots take the spade and cut the soil in an 8 in dia around plant and lift set dirt ball and all in new pot w soil , water in really well and done .


Active Member
wait wait wait.. so the dirt that comes with it, do I leave it with the soil i put it in or clean it off the roots? and second.. how far should I dig it up, are the roots gonna be really deep yet? 1 foot? 2 feet? Thanks pinkjackyle !!


Active Member
Nevermind, I just re-read your post, now I understand it completely. 8 inch diameter. Thanks D:


Active Member
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Ahh, IM PANICING. Leaves got droopy over night, NOOOOOES. Well.. what could be wrong? there was some pretty harsh winds yesterday/last night, and a cold front moved in. Could either of these be the reason why? if not.. I'm moving her ASAP. Help please D: Btw, this plant is extremely short and has a stout stem, and the toppest leaves even touch the ground!!!