Uncle Ben's Topping with Auto's?


Active Member
Has anyone tried this with an auto to get more colas? I have heard that topping autos is no good and I can sort of see why, due to their shorter life cycle. However, when using Uncle Ben's method you remove the main stalk which simply gives way for the side branches to grow up becoming their own main stalks so to speak. Right? Or would this just give you under sized colas as the plant would need more veg time which it won't get?
Anyone experimented with this?


Well-Known Member
Topping is not recommended for auto's due to thier short lifecycle.

Take care.


New Member
don't do it lol , maybe someone has done it with some success on one particularity strain of auto but I doubt I could do it without majorly screwing myself over, it seems this would be a nightmare scenario for the auto strains I have grown , and I am someone who tops or LST all other types of cannabis.


Active Member
well i tried it before i read this ill let u know how it goes lol im goin for the 4 main colas ill post pics later o and btw the strain was northern lights af from nirvana