Underwater overwater, tranaplant shock?


Active Member
So 2 days ago I watered my plants with really low ph water freaked out and then flushed them all. Yesterday I went a head and transplanted them to bigger pots. Since then theyve looked a bit droopy almost underwatered. So what I did was transplant into dry soil but the soil it was in was still very wet so I figured it would get soaked up by the dry soil and still be damp for at least a day or twobut now my plants look a bit underwatered. I didnt wamt to water them two days in a row but Is it ok to re water the medium or should no let it dry a bit more the soil near the plant is still pretty damp but the soil around the edge is pretty dry. They went from solo cups to 1.75 gal pots. So the question is should I still water them or would it be overdoing it and they're just drooping due to the transplant shock
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Well-Known Member
Photos would be a big help. Drooping is a clear sign of over watering but without photos it's hard to be certain. You don't say what your medium is. I've seen seedlings not watered for a week or more in solo cups or small pots that do just fine. Over watering is a very common issue for new growers and when they see it drooping, they think the plant needs watering which just magnifies the problem. You are actually drowning the roots. It causes stunted growth and the plant will eventually die. Seedlings can be pretty touchy until they get some growth and a good root structure. The roots need oxygen and with dense and compact soils it can be hard to fix once identified. Simply letting it dry up completely and then light watering may fix the issue. Mixing perlite in the soil can help for future grows. You can also use a skewer or something to gently poke some holes in the soil to help it aerate and dry out some. Just be careful not to damage roots. In addition transplanting shocks the plant so it may take longer to recover. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
So 2 days ago I watered my plants with really low ph water freaked out and then flushed them all. Yesterday I went a head and transplanted them to bigger pots. Since then theyve looked a bit droopy almost underwatered. So what I did was transplant into dry soil but the soil it was in was still very wet so I figured it would get soaked up by the dry soil and still be damp for at least a day or twobut now my plants look a bit underwatered. I didnt wamt to water them two days in a row but Is it ok to re water the medium or should no let it dry a bit more the soil near the plant is still pretty damp but the soil around the edge is pretty dry. They went from solo cups to 1.75 gal pots. So the question is should I still water them or would it be overdoing it and they're just drooping due to the transplant shock
Just crank up the heat a little and put a fan over them.... drooping is "reduced transpiration" which can be caused by overwatering, too cold, low air movements.... so you can increase some of these factors to compensate you drawing them and they will bounce back quicker.


Well-Known Member
Yep, probably overwatering. If the leaves are drooping, but firm, it's overwatering. Underwatering makes them limp. This will take time to correct, don't take any other drastic measures.


Active Member
I guess they're not drooping so much as they are sort of pointing down. I recently increased my light from 530 to 630 or maybebit wemt 315 to 630 cause i didnt look when i turned it but I thought maybe it was a bit too much light so I raised them as high as I can for now just to see if it helps.


Active Member
So it was too much light 2 of them dried out enough to water so I gave them a drink but everyone was still drooping i have a 630 cmh and its all the way up as high as I can get it but recently it was dimmed at only 315 until a couple days ago I turned down the light and they all look healthy and stopped drooping there also seems to be deficiencys everywhere so theyre ready for me to feed next round of watering but it might also juay be a side effect of too much light so I'm gonna keep an eye on them. I knew I wasnt overwatering!!!!!!