Unhealthy seedlings?


G'day guys,

Got a few pictures here of some plants, if you wouldn't mind taking a look at them and telling me whether I'm beginning to freak out over nothing?

All of these are 16 days old, Auto Flowering WW.

Plant #1


Now this lady here is my main concern - it grew by far the fastest and then just kind halted..and now the water leaves are falling off (Fine, I know) but the first set of serrated leaves seems to be going faintly brown at the edges and beginning to curl in.

I'm growing in Seedling Soil at the moment and wanting to transfer them over to a perlite/soil mix but don't want to do that if they're weak and will die :-(

So...what do I do, oh mighty green thumbs?

Here's the other 2 for informational purposes:

Plant #2 (What the hell is the yellowish thing on the stem??)

Plant #3 (Not pictured)

Because I got carried away once I discovered how to take Macro pics, it seems I totally forgot to take pics of this little guy. Though it seems healthy enough if a bit small.

10 x 24w CFL's (Mix of 6400/2700)
Yates seedling mix (For the little pots)
Chunky Perlite + Lushgrow Organic soil.
Canna Flora A+B for nutes (Haven't used any yet)

Now, when should I be transplanting these little green beauties, and am I freaking out over something simple or is there a real reason for concern here?




I've been dealing with some similar issues with WW seedlings recently as well, and they do seem to be extremely sensitive to overwatering. That soil looks like it wouldn't drain too well so you may just need to let them dry out for a few days and make sure you put some perlite in your transplant soil. I've been told seedlings don't need much water (makes sense) but I've fried a few waiting too long to water. You just have to keep an eye on them. Let them dry out completely, but don't go much longer than that.

General rule for transplanting is when the plant gets as tall as the pot its in, move it to the next size pot.


Thanks heaps guys, I had actually suspected myself of over watering them already so left them for about 2 days and had a look. Now, the pots only have about 4-5 inches of soil in them (Closer to 4 I'd say) so waiting for the soil to dry out seems a bit risky as the surface dries within hours. Should I keep them in their little pots (Which I'd only intended on using because..well, the guide said to) until they feel a bit better, or risk transplanting them now?

Soil I'm transplanting to is a 30% Perlite 70% Organic Soil mix so it should have better drainage and the pots are 20cm ones (Biggish) around 9 litres so I wouldn't need to water so frequently.

Thanks for the quick responses :-)


For those of you wondering about the transplanting question with these plants - the rule of thumb does not apply. Plants were only about 2 inches high and the tap root had actually managed to curl itself around some plastic at the bottom of the pot. Accidentally broke the end off the first one I transplanted as I wasn't nearly gentle enough.

Chalking this one up to a learning experience and germing a new seed to plant directly into the 9L pot.