Unheard of by all but High Times?

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Well-Known Member
been looking at the site and i see where they have agent orange by tga and blueberry from d.j. short. hummm 2 of the hardest strain to get ahold of right now and they have them, not saying they dont but i was told if someone claims to have the hard to get strains most likely your going to loose your money. exp if its a unknown site. imo...


Well-Known Member
Interesting I have never heard of this place and I tend not to trust high times ads as they usually lead to overpriced headaches of a product.

That being said however, the site is pretty cool and offers every choice as a single ! that is pretty cool when comparing it to the attitude which doesn't allow the same freedom.

Does it come with guaranteed shipping?


Well-Known Member
keep all that talk off the forum...............or someone will shut this thread down,play at your own risk.
Excuse me sir, there is no need to be rude. If someone is the owner of a seed company and offers someone a freebie there is no harm no foul because it isn't being shipped from him to him its being obtained from a company that is not affiliated with the site.

No need to be jealous that someone got offered a tester, it is how the man is trying to prove to everyone that he and his company have compassion for others as well as the time of day to answer questions. Most businesses won't come to you to answer your question they will wait for you to come to them.


Well-Known Member
Yea definitely against the rules.
Warrants a ban as well no?
Even what's done through pm...
As far as I've been made aware by sunni..in any case


Staff member
there is NO selling or trading or advertisement, or gifting or hook ups allowed on riu.

That was some straight up advertisement, and he just joined today you really wanna trust that it was really him? eek
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