unidentified 5 gallon bucket on nutes, any ideas?

C Dizzle172

New Member
Hey guys, i found a 5 gallon bucket of a brown smelly nutrient it has no label on it but i know it is nutrients because i found it along with other nutrients and there was a small portion of the label left behind. Like i said it was a brown smelly nute, dont think its fish emulsion as the odor isnt as strong, any ideas?
Hey guys, i found a 5 gallon bucket of a brown smelly nutrient it has no label on it but i know it is nutrients because i found it along with other nutrients and there was a small portion of the label left behind. Like i said it was a brown smelly nute, dont think its fish emulsion as the odor isnt as strong, any ideas?

Brown and smelly huh..not much to go on there bro
Hey guys, i found a 5 gallon bucket of a brown smelly nutrient it has no label on it but i know it is nutrients because i found it along with other nutrients and there was a small portion of the label left behind. Like i said it was a brown smelly nute, dont think its fish emulsion as the odor isnt as strong, any ideas?
shit bucket.PNG
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