unidentified problem at 5wks flowering


Hi guys!

This is my first post here

I think i have some kind of neut problem, but i can't seem to put my finger on it
I have read every toubleshooter out there and i can't find my problem there

I have a single Northern Lights plant in a closet w/ 600w HPS w/ cooltube, she's at day 43 on flowering

Yes i know the light is strong but i keet the temp around 28 degrees and it's working great for two years now

Lately i have noticed that most of the plant is getting yellowish and some of the fingures on the leaves have died, as shown in the photos

the plant's overall look seems weak and i need to support it from falling
You can also see that where the bud is a little slanted, new growth seems ok

Most of the leaves have started "falling" downwards and most of the tips are dead

at the top buds (i have pinchet the top so there are around 5 tops), the small leaves pipping from the colas seem to be dry and dead, but some, not all of them

the brances on some leaves are red

I hope you guys can help me, cause i really don't want to loose here...

thanks a lot



Well-Known Member
looks all bad..damn sorry to see that bro..i think ur over watering and over doing it with the nutrients..FLUSH THEM BITCH'S next time the soil dry's out COMPLETELY


I forgot to mention, this turned worst right after i flushed it, a couple of days ago
maybe it's overwatering...
you think it's that bad?


Well-Known Member
i dont know what u did but the leafs look bad..do u got good drainage?? man those leafs are not a good sign..im not sure what u did but id let ur soil dry out COMPLETELY before u water..thats the way u should do it all the time and enough with the nutes..water and molasses only


Well-Known Member
hmm.. can you take a picture of what your soil looks like? have you been checking the ppm and ph of your water? looks almost like it is trying to re veg and not getting enough light to the bottom of the plant or maybe a bad lighting schedule its hard to say..

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
I feel like I start every post this way, well maybe I do, but first of all just relax, things aren't all as bad as you're thinking.
It sounds like your pretty close to the end of bloom, if I remember right NL is a pretty quick finisher, so your just about ready to harvest.
I'm gonna let you answer your question with another question ;) what happens at the end of the season, outdoors? All the trees leaves start to change colors and fall off, not die, but prepare for winter. Well, cannabis does die, and right now your plants are preparing for the end of their life cycle. She'll continue to flower right until she's supposed to. Do NOT stop feeding right now, she still needs the food and help with energy. I usually flush about 5-7 days before harvest, not too much, just enough to use up the last of the nutes in her while the trychomes ripen up just right.
Be careful on your waterings, sounds like there may be a potential for overwatering with the flushes you've given her. Make sure next time you water you feed too, and bump up the regimine a couple waterings too.
I hope this helps, if you need a bit more help, just ask!


thanks a lot for the answer, Canna!

I know some leaves are supposed to die, but most of mine does

I also know it's not as bad as razor said, but the question is if i keep feeding or just use plain water?

I fed yesterday and gave it a little gro nute for N, just a bit

The way i see it, i only have once to feed, because i dont want to feed about two weeks before harvest anyhow,
so if it's not that bad, i'll just feed once more and that's it

Thanks a lot you guys!

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Also, there is a lot of nutrients left in the smaller fan leaves and flower leaf tips, that will probably start to turn a bit as well.
Like I said, don't worry about it, its all happening naturally!


Active Member
what nutes are u using where is ur ph level.that looks like nute prob let me no what u r using and i will try to help fix prob and i would like to no if u have fresh air and the temp 70-75 my is keeped at 72 degrees i keep room at 40% to 50% humidity in room to help hum put a bowl of water in area. GET BACK SOON AS POSSIBLE SO WE CAN BRING THAT BABY HOME RIGHT.


Active Member
AND LEAVE WILL DIS COLOR. But the leave will do this in a uniform fashion.the leave will really start to do this later in flower that is the plant telling u is just about done. Rinse soil with ph bal water 2 gals if it is a nute prob this should help alot. the water leaf is basic that's how the plant craps thats why the water leaf is the first to show signs of a problem and the problem u have should have been addressed before now.remove the water leaf that have died on the ends. good luck bro.


I'm using GHE One Part Grow & Bloom
I used these w hydro before but now i use soil
the PH is 6.5-7.0
I have plenty of air, except the cooltube, i have a CATA10 fan inserting air and another 80mm fam circulating, it should be more than enough...

the temp is about 28 celsius and ~45% hum


Active Member
Got the same issue..

Ive flushed and lowered the water cycle.
Then Im going to slowly bring up the N over the next few days, hard to judge the right amount of water, they seem to be quite thirsty..

I also let the soil dry out, so only time will see.. Good luck, keep ya fingers crossed for me also ;D


Active Member
Also, there is a lot of nutrients left in the smaller fan leaves and flower leaf tips, that will probably start to turn a bit as well.
Like I said, don't worry about it, its all happening naturally!
so u have answers for who.Its not nature making the plant do that it's humans tampering with mother nature. that is do to over nute.check ur self before u give bad info to some one else.Sorry not to be rude but u grow and this is the advice u give thats like sayin just let ur plant die bro dont be an IDIOT.:leaf:


Active Member
I'm using GHE One Part Grow & Bloom
I used these w hydro before but now i use soil
the PH is 6.5-7.0
I have plenty of air, except the cooltube, i have a CATA10 fan inserting air and another 80mm fam circulating, it should be more than enough...

the temp is about 28 celsius and ~45% hum
0K LETS START BY FLUSHING SOIL.now ur next water will just be water ok. and get rid of died water leaf.adding more nutes will just toxify soil and plant. the plant is having trouble releasing toxin,because of over nute.now in 1 week if u can get bat gauno small bag is about 7 us dollars great npk some high in n and some high in pk use higher pk for flower just mix in water and only water the plant one time with this and bring her home with water.get back to me on progress:-P:leaf:

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
Please do not listen to this kid...he is giving BAD advice.
Your plant got worse after flushing for a reason, it needs nutrients, however not in a bad way.
The bloom solution has less nitrogen in it, which is what keeps the plants green and healthy. As the plant uses up its stores of nitrogen to supplement the nutrients, it will start to kill of leaves, because that's where the plant stores excess nutrients. THIS IS ALL OK! The plant uses more phosphorus and potassium through bloom than nitrogen. You have a good nute line that is working with your plant naturally to mature.
That's how and why this is happening, it IS nature, and science, you cannot argue with that. Please, be careful, there is much mis-information out there...

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
0K LETS START BY FLUSHING SOIL.now ur next water will just be water ok. and get rid of died water leaf.adding more nutes will just toxify soil and plant. the plant is having trouble releasing toxin,because of over nute.now in 1 week if u can get bat gauno small bag is about 7 us dollars great npk some high in n and some high in pk use higher pk for flower just mix in water and only water the plant one time with this and bring her home with water.get back to me on progress:-P:leaf:
Did you really NOT read this guys full post?! He's growing northern lights, which is a 6-7 week plant! Its almost ready for harves, not mettle with things.
To the OP its a beautiful NL, you did a great job with her, but sadly you MUST watch her die. Anyone with green fan leaves on their plants at harvest did something wrong, and is loosing out on potency. Its all a beautiful process, this guy above needs to inform and educate himself a little on the scientific aspect of cannabis.


Active Member
Ok first of all who is the one coming off like an idiot insulting another persons advice like you know all your stuff? How many successfull gardens have you grown? Plants? I have thousands under my belt, and the advice I give is based on years of trial and error, not something that worked for me once...
If you notice above he's using a good line of nutes, got his soil dialed in, great air exchange and good temps and humidity, so, what's your solution now....?
And it is nature dummy...all we controll is when the plant flowers, that's all. Try going out and informing yourself before you bash someone elses advice...you don't always know who your talking to...
So, in conclusion, all of your name calling and bad grammar has gotten you no where, so leave the advice to the professionals...
Oh, and if you feel the need to keep this going go right ahead, this is my profession, I have all day...
To the OP, sorry to turn your thread into this, hopefully the offender won't persue the issue. I think you've got the right idea on who's got the right advice.
I didn't read everything u wrote but i can tell u this that i have 18+ years under my belt and don't now how many u have but try to help the guy dont just tell him its ok that not true and if u have that many years of growin great weed than u now as well as i that flushing the soil will help that problem.the leaf problems i've had over the years was do to me or bugs not nature. But any how im sorry to say those things. I just get so pist at how many people or young men get on this site and mis lead new growers and i did not mean to come off like that i do not act in manner ever. SO I'M TRULY SORRY. COULD U JUST STRICK THAT FROM MY RECORD.We are here to help each other not bash each other again really sorry bro.