Unusual effects from switched lighting schedule


OK, I had to move my wifes outdoor sativa inside to finish it off. So now all my sproutlings, clone attempts and aero garden transplants are living happily together in the same space.

After we harvest the moma plant, will it really fack up my newbie plants if I switch the light from 12/12 to 18/6? I do want to veg my newbies, but will leave them in flower schedule if doing this is going to mess them up.
None of my newbies are more than 3weeks old and all healthy.
Thanx in advance
ps - Im aware of the differences with the two lighting schedules, I just dont want to Hermi my plants if thats even possible.


Well-Known Member
it depends on how long you have the clones in with the mother, if you have them in there long enough to start flowering you wont be able to stop it...my recommendation is pick up a couple extra lights and just throw them on whatever clones you wanna veg just to keep them alive long enough for the mother to finish off...how long has the mother been flowering with the clones?


Its only been a week. But still going to be 10 days or so.

Could I put veggin bulbs at the end of my light unit, n move my clones over to that side. I dont want to do that as I am trying to finish off the moma using strictly 6200 and 6500.