Upcoming shroom trip planning


With friends home for the holidays and a good 2 feet of snow outside we decided it'd be time for a good old boomer trip. I plan on eating 5-6 grams and then watching the following movies. Fear and loathing in las vegas, Waking life, and finishing up with fantasia. At any point staying inside might be scrapped for some winter wonderland but this'll be my first trip indoors (good dozen+ trips outdoors) so i figure watching videos is the way to go. Got a nice 60 inch plasma my buddy bought on black friday and a surround sound system.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good line-up. I'll be doing the same thing in a couple weeks.

Enjoy it and make the best of it!

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
im not much for movies while tripping unless that movie is motha loving THE LION KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Last time I ate shrooms I watched one of the Star Wars movies but it seemed like it was all three combined into one and I still don't remember which one it was that I watched. Don't watch Star Wars! I think the ones you said will be fine and should last a good long time.

someone else

Active Member
Tried watching Clerks 2 on roomies and I could just not focus on the tv lol.
You know, that happened to my friends and I a lot back in the day. We'd be really tripped out and into a movie at first. Then not even 20-30 minutes later, we'd be totally disinterested, looking at everything but the TV, sometimes just lost in ourselves.....haha.

I was gonna recommend to have a steady supply of music on hand, maybe even get nuts and create some 'mood' play-lists. Might help with a few transistion parts of the trip...from peaking to the slow come-down. (since you're gonna be indoors)

"I need a rising sound!"

Funny story with playlists though (and probably why I bring it up) is one time I was tripping super hard, and completely analyzing my choices for 'mood' music, and then tripping on what that means I am as a person...ahahaha...man tripping can be a wild mental ride. :mrgreen:



Undercover Mod
It was just the fact that when i tried to focus on the tv the wall behind the tv would get wavy. I also just wanted to talk nonstop instead of watching it lol

wally nutter

Well-Known Member
im telling yall, watch the lion king on shroomies. dont watch like real movies. anything disney animated is a trip in its self!!


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I watch more than one at a time... switching back and forth in about ten to twenty minute intervals, last time it was a futurama movie and watchmen lol


Well-Known Member
Aqua teen hunger force is pretty hilarious when trippin'. I second the fact that animated things are better because of their simplicity and bright colors.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
watch this shit

I LOVE this movie on acid, I would watch it every single time I trip its that good.. never gets boring lol


It's shot like a comic book which is just like a trip, you can SEE music, its all about music, and you see doorbells ring and see the sound effects like a comic book


Well-Known Member
last time i tripped, i laid on the carpet for 2 hours, and thought i was in lord of the rings. FUCKIN GREAT


Well-Known Member
Kungo Fu Panda + shrooms is epic.
cloudy with a chance of meatballs, very colorfull and funny


be prepared to get hungry, just the pancakes in the trailer make me hungry