Update on my 2nd outdoor Grow!!!!!!!!


Active Member
its 5 and a half weeks strong, 6 on monday. just started to show one single pistil that goes from dark orange to purple to red, GNARLLLLYYYY!!!!. stopped givin it veg nutes and goin to wait a couple more weeks for pre flower to apply mollasses. thing is, i dont know where to get unsulphured mollasses.



Active Member
bumbumb my post! also i heard plants double, sativas sometime triple when in flowering. by that being said, is there any way to estimate a yield for this baby. its 13in now on its 5th in a half week


Active Member
Really no need to wait on molasses, as it is wonderful plant food for entire life of your plant, and you can find unsulphured at walmart or any other supermarket. If you want black strap, you can usually find at natural food stores.


Active Member
yeah i kinda want to go with blackstrap because its mostly favored! im goin out of town for 3 days startin sunday so i dont want to get it into the habit of takin it and then me not being here. ima get it when i come back. thanks dude, can you help me out with those other questions?


New Member
your plant looks like mine, but the inner leafing growing is a bit taller with less nodes on yours. nice thoug. try gettin some close up pics.


Active Member
here are some more updates on my little baby. shes almost 6 weeks old on monday, about 17in tall. i only still see just one orange hair no other pistils so i stopped givin it veg nutes. its smelling really fuego though!!!!! how does she look boys?

