Urgent! Desperate for Advice! Water Related


So I won't get into specifics, but to put it simply, my plants are ready to be switched to flower, I am able to water them once tomorrow and then possibly will not be able to see them for another week and a half - two weeks.

My question is, is there a way I can set up a DIY temporary way of giving them water in 4-5 days... I am running soil. The only solution I could think of was to give them a really good watering tomorrow, and then stick a bunch of those AquaGlobes full of water in each of them, and just pray they survive. I have 8 AquaGlobes for 4 plants.

Is there something I'm not thinking of? I dont have a lot of time :/
The bigger Aqua Globes do work.

A week no problem....2 weeks might be pushing it.

Best advice for the globes is to try it now...fill you bucket with dirt..water it thoroughly...stick the globes in and see what it's like in a week.

A do it yourself would be a 5 gallon bucker raised higher then the plants...use fish air pump hose line ( drill small hole in bucket and seal hose to it with fish tank sealant ) and one of those 4 way adjustable valves ...turn the valve so it barely drips out...the only problem is that you are only watering one spot in the pot and not the whole plant.

Try the Aqua globes now before you leave....
Man thats a tough one. If I was there I could jerry rig something but it would be too hard to walk you though it.