urgent help needed

i just got to the girls and i find a really fine like web in between the main buds. im not sure what is it is im hoping its not spidermites. i have decided to take it out and will chop soon. im wondering if i should leave it in darkness for a few days b4 harvesting and to get some more water to it as i put nutes on it 4 days ago but that was the first in 2 weeks cause i flushed early but now i have run into this problem. it is also my first time


Well-Known Member
i just got to the girls and i find a really fine like web in between the main buds. im not sure what is it is im hoping its not spidermites. i have decided to take it out and will chop soon. im wondering if i should leave it in darkness for a few days b4 harvesting and to get some more water to it as i put nutes on it 4 days ago but that was the first in 2 weeks cause i flushed early but now i have run into this problem. it is also my first time
it sure sounds like the little motherfuckers, if you are near harvest you can chop it but do you want to be smoking insects & their eggs?
If you chop it try to drown as many of the fuckers as possible, they cant swim! The adults will try to eat everything.If you have other plants near by isolate them quickly.
Then salvage what you can a make bubble hash, the eggs & mites cant get past the netting in those bags.

Unlucky m8, your in for a bitch of a time. try to stay sane.