urgent help required

wing it

so im about 90% sure iv got a couple of hermis in my room. 3 weeks in to flower but when i touch what i think is the pollen sacs there totally soft? or do they stay soft until they produce seeds and would it be possible to just keep cutting off wot looks like little sacs without the possible hermies pollinating ?also 1 seems to have a little white hair popping out of it ps sorry no pics at the moment


Well-Known Member
Send them to your email and post them from there. Use the "Picture" icon next to the 2 globes (one globe has a chain link, the other has a red X through the chain link).

Or send to Photobucket and embed the link. If you still can't figure that out then stick to buying on the streets. $10 a gram most places right now.


Well-Known Member
Pollen carring balls are soft, the male cannabis does not produce seeds, the female's bud catches pollen from these balls/pollen sacks [after they have opened], and then the seed is produced in the bud, from the bud catching the pollen...
Male balls will stay soft to the touch, and should be removed, asap, before the sacks mature and drop pollen...
Get it ?
And post some pix...

wing it

ye i get it just in middle of trying to upload a pic just now, so can i just remove these sacs or would they keep coming back so i be better off just taking the plants out to save any hassel

wing it

sent a pic to my email but aint arrived god knows why. so can i keep chopping these sacs off or will i take the plants out altogether m8

The Growery

Active Member
you will need to figure out how to upload a pic or no one will be able to help you. so much is lost in translation. pictures minimize this. for your sanity you need to post a pic and then paintshop in some red circles or arrows highlighting the growths you're talking about.

wing it

ye i know , but it aint sending to my mail for some reason unfortunately. im just gona take them out,,better safe than sorry i guess