URGENT: Minnesota Senate to vote on medical marijuana bill Wednesday!


Active Member
S.F. 97, MPP's medical marijuana bill, will be heard on the Senate floor tomorrow! We need you to contact your Senator and show up at the legislature tomorrow for the vote, if you are able. Please contact your Senator NOW and ask them to vote YES on S.F. 97! Many patients are counting on you to take action immediately and help pass this bill.
Also, please contact Elizabeth at 612-746-6723 or Elizabeth@MinnesotaCares.org if you are able to make it to the state capitol tomorrow. We need as many supporters as possible in the public gallery of the Senate Chamber to show the wide and deep support compassion for the sick and the dying enjoys in Minnesota.
Thank you for all you have done to push MPP's medical marijuana bill forward. We are closer than ever to making Minnesota the 14th medical marijuana state.

Even if you are out of state please don't hesitate to email our senators and let them know just how strong the medical marijuana community is.

P.S. If you are planning to join us, the public gallery for the Senate Chamber is accessible from the 3rd floor of the capitol. No applause or demonstrations are allowed. If you can make it, please contact Elizabeth at 612-746-6723 or Elizabeth@MinnesotaCares.org so you can be involved in our efforts at the capitol tomorrow.


Active Member
Any word on how this went?
Here is the latest, this is copied word for word from MPP's newsletter.

Exciting news! Today, S.F. 97, MPP's medical marijuana bill, was debated on the floor of the Senate and passed 36-28! This is an enormous victory for some of our most vulnerable neighbors, and we could not have done it without your support. Hopefully, we are just a few short weeks away from ending the cruel practice of arresting the sick and the dying for simply trying to alleviate their pain.
Would you please donate at least $10 today, so we can continue our fight to push this compassionate legislation into law?
According to Minnesota legislative rules, the full Senate now must approve the bill again before it officially passes. This will likely happen tomorrow, in an up-or-down vote, without debate, and no amendments will be allowed. We fully expect the Senate will confirm its vote from today and officially pass the bill out of the chamber.
But you can never be too sure, so please take a moment to contact your state legislators today. It takes just a few minutes to send them an e-mail with our easy to use and convenient e-mail system.
Thank you for all you have done to push MPP's medical marijuana bill through the Senate. Victory is in sight!
Elizabeth Newman
Minnesota Organizer
P.S. If you are a patient, a doctor, a member of law enforcement, or would just like to get more involved with the medical marijuana lobbying effort, please contact me at enewman@MinnesotaCares.org.

Thanks to everyone who supported this movement Minnesota is well on its way to becoming the 14th state to decriminalize the use of Medical Marijuana!! :clap:


Active Member
S.F. 97 has passed all Senate committees and passed
the Senate floor with a 35-29 vote earlier today. The bill will now go
the Governor where he will either sign or veto the bill. Senator
Pogemiller did vote for the bill and continues to be a supporter.


Active Member
Our momentum continues to build. Today, the Minnesota House Finance Committee voted 17-6 in favor of H.F. 292, MPP's medical marijuana bill. After the bill passed the full Minnesota Senate this Monday, we are now closing in on the House floor vote! We are closer than ever to protecting seriously ill Minnesotans from arrest and prison for using doctor-recommended medicine.
With the House floor vote fast approaching, now is the most important time to contact your representative. Please contact your representative now and ask her or him to vote YES on H.F. 292! It is crucial that lawmakers know how strong and deep the support is for protecting the sick and dying in Minnesota.
Lets make 2009 the year Minnesota stops arresting medical marijuana patients! Send an e-mail to your representative with our easy-to-use online tool. It will only take you five minutes, and cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and other seriously ill patients in Minnesota are depending on you.
Of course, lobbying efforts and easy-to-use online tools are not cheap. Another great way to support our efforts would be by making a donation of at least $10 right now.
Thank you for all that you have done. Together, we can make Minnesota the 14th medical marijuana state!
Elizabeth Newman
Minnesota Organizer
P.S. If you can assist in our outreach by calling supporters and urging them to contact their representatives, please contact me at Elizabeth@MinnesotaCares.org or (612) 746-6723 to find out more.