Using a small amount of weed to cook


Well-Known Member
Does any stoner know of any "put 1g of good bud in this and get smacked" tricks in the kitchen?

Maybe when I harvest I can go all out but for now, I can't go crazy... :-(



New Member
Weed tea, never made it my self but heard it works
Like other herbs, marijuana may be made into a tea. Boil the water first and pour it over the marijuana. Let it steep for longer than you would for common black tea; approximately an hour and a half.

Add 1 tsp. of marijuana or regular butter. The effects are similar to eating it. It is easy to make marijuana tea and can be combined with mint or any other herbal tea flavors to enhance it's taste.

THC is only very slightly soluble in boiling water. Adding either some alcohol, oil, or butter to the mix will help the THC dissolve. An ounce of whole milk or a half ounce of hard liquor to a cup of boiling water increases the tea's potency quite a bit. A chai-type drink, made with marijuana leaves, spices, butter and milk would dissolve even more of the THC.

Making tea by just boiling the leaves will not release as much psychoactive THC. Since marijuana's pigments and terpenoids the components responsible for its flavor are water soluble, this tea looks and smells more promising than its effect will be. However, these non-cannabinoids may also have medicinal properties, as could other water-solubles.


New Member
only thing I think they left out thinking about it is that you probably have to heat it while you're steeping it. The heat would convert the crystals into THC so the butter could take it up


Active Member
It would almost be pointless.
A waste of a gram in other words.
Marijuana, or THC - is suppose to be blended into the butter, thus creating cannibutter.
If the process was as easy as throwing a simple nug or two in the mix, more people would be doing it.
Personally, when I'm making cannibutter, I let my trims sit on the fire for about 4-5 hours.

So if your making something like pasta, mac n' cheese, whatever it is your going to make, an you throw a nug in, it has no time to extract the THC.
It's better to pack it & smoke it.
Trust me.


Active Member
tea work but its kinda wasting tho. you will need bout 10g nd drink alot to get high, body high


Well-Known Member
10gs to get a little body high.....

i could smoke 10gs and be alot body high. infact if i smoked 10gs id probably pass out.

im sure weeds doesnt know what 10gs of real weed looks like.


Well-Known Member
Tea with shrooms not weed, you would need to drink the weed with the tea and it would taste like shit, THC is not water soluble. Fire cracker or just eat it on a peace of peanut butter on bread.


Well-Known Member
dude. that reminds me of this one time i went toa buddies house. he put in "dawn of the dead" the one with the hot blande and ving rhymes. anywho so theres this pitcher of tea on te table and he lits up a joint and is like. wanna watch a movie wwith me. he didnt tell me this tea was laced. so where watching this onderful zombie movie, smoking herb. when all of a sudden im superfucking high. . . . watching the movie, thinking, damn this buds good. when all of a sudden someone ran by the kitchen window. its night time so when i look out from where i was sitting i swear it looked like a swarm of people in his back yard. . . . needless to say that night was awesome.


Well-Known Member
hey man to each his own no? lol
shit a coupledrops in a cranberrydrink mixed with vodka. yyaaa buddy. ofcoarse if i was drinking already id want to smoke but hey. thats off topic. lol.

im thinking of the culinary applications this could have. mmmmmmm