Using a Vaporizer in Grow Room and need some help...

In the midwest we are dry and cold so we added a vaporizer and now have an avg rh of 75% for our little girls. Problem is, now I have water sitting on the floor and on the panada film and I do not want to create any mold issues. Is this specific to a vaporizer or would I have the same issue with a humidifier? What my best move??? Thanks in advance..


Well-Known Member
I feel ya with the humidity im in the north east and god damn do my plants get crispy in the winter

You could try putting it on a timer? do some tests probably something like an hour on an hour off seems like it would work well.

Start there and proceed. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
It appears your over doing the humidity. Put it on a timer. Or get a controller for it. If you exhaust the humid air than what's the point of even making it. You don't really need a fan since your the one who's making the humid air. It would be a different story in the summer time when you have no control over humidity.
We have an oscillating fan but no exhaust. I've been leaning towards a controller that we will eventually need so I'll try that. Thanks!