using an old fridge

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
thinking of a new set up using an old fridge , my question is can i safely just remove all the workings from the back ie the gas etc or is it dangerous , i was just gonna rip it all off but i dont want an explosion or anything , anyone know anything ?


Active Member
thinking of a new set up using an old fridge , my question is can i safely just remove all the workings from the back ie the gas etc or is it dangerous , i was just gonna rip it all off but i dont want an explosion or anything , anyone know anything ?
If its not plugged in you should be fine

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
You can remove the workings but be careful not to poke any holes in the copper tubing. This is the refrigerant gas. But why remove it? It should not be it your way, it's all on the outside. I would not screw with it myself.


Well-Known Member
Of all the places to grow ,why a fridge ? could end up a mold box so keep it clean with bleach.