Using Bubbleponics for Blueberry Skunk Feminized


Active Member
Hey guys.. I could use a lot of information before I start my grow.. Im using a diy bubbleponics system and i ordered blueberry skunk feminized seeds from attitude.. My system involves a rubbermaid for the reservoir and an aquarium pump and tubes with splitters, 6 net pots for the plants with 6 26 watt cfl's for the lighting.. I need to know a couple things before i begin the grow.. I need to know everything i should be doing throughout the whole cycle of the plants growth.. and i also need to know what nutrients to buy for the bubbleponics system and how and when to add them to the reservoir.. I also need to know how to start the seed for the grow cycle and where to place the tubes on the plant.. and how and when to cut the plants during the cycle.. I am going to be doing a 21/12 light cycle with them for 10 weeks.. I was also wondering if anyone would advise a 12/12 light cycle over a 21/12.. any other tricks or information would help out also..