Using milk before croping the plants


A friend of mine gave me an advice and I want to counsel here :) The day before harvest you pour the whole plant with milk and then you leave it 24 hours in full dakness. Have someone tried it and is it really effecting good :roll:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Has your friend ever grown a plant that you know of???? NEVER take advice from a guy who's friend knew a guy who heard from another guy that you need to pour milk on your plant!!! Not that milk wouldn't have an NPK value in organics, but a 24 hour period would not be enough time to realize any benefit IF there would be a benefit at all. Your room would end up smelling like someone puked in it!!
When you hear shit like that, ask yourself first if the dude has ANY experience growing, and second, does the advise sound like it's based in science, or myth.
It's abundantly clear that everyone is an expert grower, who has learned all the "Magic Secret" ingredients/methods to get more THC out of the plant. It's almost all Hoo Doo. All of us real growers out here are just wasting our time, because science has nothing to do with growing pot.


Well he lives in holland we keep in touch almost every day and as far as I know he is growing and tried it in his last grow. This mainly effects positive on taste and smell but I'm not really sure, I am NOT going to try it :) That's why I wanted to get some replies here ;)


Has your friend ever grown a plant that you know of???? NEVER take advice from a guy who's friend knew a guy who heard from another guy that you need to pour milk on your plant!!! Not that milk wouldn't have an NPK value in organics, but a 24 hour period would not be enough time to realize any benefit IF there would be a benefit at all. Your room would end up smelling like someone puked in it!!
When you hear shit like that, ask yourself first if the dude has ANY experience growing, and second, does the advise sound like it's based in science, or myth.
It's abundantly clear that everyone is an expert grower, who has learned all the "Magic Secret" ingredients/methods to get more THC out of the plant. It's almost all Hoo Doo. All of us real growers out here are just wasting our time, because science has nothing to do with growing pot.
What a downer.....someone didnt't wake and bake

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Well, that would give him SOME credibility, but no, I would not try that. I can see no possible way that milk would affect anything in a positive way.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
My stepdad told me when he grew he used to strain rabbit crap and add milk to feed his ladies.. lol..... Ive never tried it and never will..Of course this was 30 some years ago before all thes nutes came out.....

Chee Zee

rabbit crap and milk... this is why they made nutes lol, that growroom would smell like ass! ;)

markinoto... your avatar, is that a plant from a soil grow? what strain? looks good!


rabbit crap and milk... this is why they made nutes lol, that growroom would smell like ass! ;)

markinoto... your avatar, is that a plant from a soil grow? what strain? looks good!
Well I am on the same opinion about crap and milk :D and the avatar is AK48 (I am doing my first grown right now and I got AK48 aswell) and it's not mine but I wish someday I will grow a plant like this :)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Your Step-Dad was half right!!! I use Rabbit Poo as the primary ingredient of my soil, along with EWC. Rabbit Poo is the best manure you can use for growing anything. MILK? not so much. Rabbit Poo has no odor, and the highest NPK value of any manure out there. PLUS, domestic rabbits eat almost exclusively alfalfa, and you get the added benefit of triacontinol. Rabbit Poo teas are friggin' awesome, and my plants LOVE it!!

Never under estimate the power of the Bunny!!!

Chee Zee

Well I am on the same opinion about crap and milk :D and the avatar is AK48 (I am doing my first grown right now and I got AK48 aswell) and it's not mine but I wish someday I will grow a plant like this :)
thats a sick cola! that from a hydro grow with a shit load of wattage to grow it yeah?

maybe il stick a rabbit in my room, hope he shits in my pots and doesnt eat my plants ;)

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Your Step-Dad was half right!!! I use Rabbit Poo as the primary ingredient of my soil, along with EWC. Rabbit Poo is the best manure you can use for growing anything. MILK? not so much. Rabbit Poo has no odor, and the highest NPK value of any manure out there. PLUS, domestic rabbits eat almost exclusively alfalfa, and you get the added benefit of triacontinol. Rabbit Poo teas are friggin' awesome, and my plants LOVE it!!

Never under estimate the power of the Bunny!!!
Hmmmm interesting... Thinking back, he may have used the strained rabbit poo seperately without mixing it with milk...Im thinking he said he added milk at differant times..... Thanks for the insight...


Active Member
YES ADD Milk. Then before you eat your bowl of weed, add sugar. Taste just like capt crunk