Using mix compost ready to use for living soil


Well-Known Member
Can I do this? I thought I could just use a mix compost when following a soil recipe, am I wrong? Basically I am going to build my own soil for the first time and I bought a compost mix from a local company 25kg of this stuff is going arrive in couple days, can I just use this as my compost in my soil, and top feed worm casting here and there?
I am going to follow this recipe right here ;

A little info about the mix compost I got;
Leonardite, Zeolite, Fermented Processed Sheep, Goat and Worm Fertilizers, NPK 15 15 15, Seaweed (Alginic Acid), 11 kinds of Mycorrhiza Mushroom Spores, Amino acids, Humic + Fulvic Acid, 11 kinds of Useful Bacillus Bacteria and Microorganisms Culture, 80 different Enzymes Mixture of Zinc, Iron, Boron, Sulfur.

This is whats in the compost