UV diodes question...


Active Member
Would the UV diodes found in some LED panels provide any fungus/pest protection?

Mites are so tiny that perhaps the UV is a deterrent dunno... any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Cant say for sure what degree they do. My guess is a little but not much. Still need to take other precautions.
I have heard of UV being an annoyance to bugs from a few different sources, this may be advertising, it may actually be true. I just think it's nice to have UV bulbs because it more closely resembles a natural spectrum so probably helps growth in some way.


Active Member
word, I have been lucky, I have taken no pest precaution at all and I live in the very damp Pacific North West, I have 2 cats (outdoor/indoor) and a dog. Amazing to have avoided any mites etc. I think its because the weather outside is so mild that bugs dont move in for the winter. They have plenty of green to dig into outside and 50f weather to boot. Again just speculating...

beginners luck probably.


Well-Known Member
One of the big attractions for pests, mites in particular, is heat, and the lack of heat from leds I think is what helps the most.


Well-Known Member
dunno about the bugs but I added a uvb tube or two in flower since its said to produce more triches.


Well-Known Member
Some growers actually ad UV and IR lamps into the mix during late flowering. It improves THC production as the THC is more or less sunscreen for the plants. I use switchable spectrum leds and on all the models I have the IR and UV are always on the flowering switch.