Valid reason


New Member
The only way legalization would be worth it is if they let you grow it. Nevada wanted to legalize it and commercialize it. I guess that would work for people who are too busy to grow their own, but that would put the little guys out of business, you know, the guys that grow 8-10 plants and sell the excess to pay their bills!


Well-Known Member
As long as the alcohol and tobacco people have anything to say about it marijuana won't be legalized. They think that pot infringes on their profits.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
As long as the alcohol and tobacco people have anything to say about it marijuana won't be legalized. They think that pot infringes on their profits.
Sounds logical to me.

Since Bush has us all labeled as terrorist. Why dont we go terrorize these fucking government buildings that are keeping us from getting stoned. [takes another hit of blueberry hash] We could burn them all to the ground! :mrgreen:


New Member
Follow the money. Who benefits the most from keeping pot illegal? 1. The drug dealers. 2. Government bureaucrats who run the criminal justice system. That's about it.



New Member
Follow the money. Who benefits the most from keeping pot illegal? 1. The drug dealers. 2. Government bureaucrats who run the criminal justice system. That's about it.

I think you forgot about all those egomaniacal cops that have an orgasm every time they bust a pot smoker. Big fucking men, I've seen them on cops manhandling a 80 lb women for 2 joints, ripping some dude out of his car and kneeling on his neck while yelling don't resist, bashing in doors and tackling some woman for a tenth of a gram, Big fucking men! And thats the ones on camera. I wonder how they act off camera, Rodney King X thousands! People should start killing the fuckers when they come through the door, An AK47 will go right through those vests, through them, and out the back. Maybe then they'd think twice before stomping in your door!


New Member
"I think you forgot about all those egomaniacal cops that have an orgasm every time they bust a pot smoker."

Nope, didn't forget about them. They are included in the bureaucratic morass that make up our drug warriors.

By the way, the largest lobbying group in the state of California is no longer the teacher's union ... it's the Correctional Officer's Union. They were the ones who spent the largest amount of money in the attempt to defeat Prop. 215 (medical marijuana).



New Member
Go figure, Job security. My theory has always been that basically you have to be an asshole to go into law enforcement in the first place. I will admit that there are a few good cops, although I've never personally had any experiences with them, the ones I've dealt with were assholes all the way!


New Member
I think a lot of people go into law enforcement with high ideals. I have LEO in the family. Many cops get so overwhelmed with disgust by what the see every day that it changes them. Personally, I respect the police. They are the thin blue line, without which, we would all be packing heat. I look at them as our hired guns. Now, that's not to say that there aren't crooked cops out there, or ones who take pleasure in hurting people, but that's the minority. The vast majority of cops are dedicated to the job of protecting and serving the public.


PS: I'll probably have to take a lot of flack for my support of the police on a cannabis site ... but so what?


New Member
PS: I'll probably have to take a lot of flack for my support of the police on a cannabis site ... but so what? Here's the deal, why is it there is never a cop when you need one, but always one when you don't. If you relied on cops to protect you, you'd be screwed. They only show up after the fact. So why do we really need them? They are for one purpose only, to protect the rich from insurection. To quell demonstrations and provide a ring of security around the wealthy. Without cops, the rich would be shitting down their legs worrying about thugs showing up on their doorsteps and fucking their wives and daughters and taking their riches! They also hold the thugs at bay in prisons so the wealthy can sleep at night! Other than that, they are just a nuisance, handing out tickets and arresting drug offenders and rowdy assholes at sporting events. You show me one good cop and I'll show you ten assholes!