Just about to read a review myself but I`ve ended up with a vb 2.0 on the way to me as I won it cheap on ebay, just gotta get a hydro tube now
I would say that smaller units normally get cold easier when you draw or they have a more drag, my 2 solo`s are great but they have way more drag then most vapes I`ve come across.
If your going to get the pinnacle it`s a 14mm hole where as the vb 2.0 has an 18mm hole meaning it`ll go straight onto real bong size glass joints.
The pinnacle pre pro model only has 2 temp settings but they are the correct ones around 188c and 198c so just under the 200c where I normally limit myself without a carbon and water filter as benzine would be vaped at around 205c so I try to avoid that lol.
Anyway the Pinnacle dlx or standard model is a lot cheaper then the pro so unless you need the extra temp settings I would go with the stock model if money is an issue
If you don`t need an ultra compact unit then I would go with the VB 2.0 as its going to have less drag and if your not wanting to use the hydro tube then I`d go with the PAX Ploom as its far more compact.