Vaporizer help


Okay so since i started doing track i have had to stop smoking out of my lovely bong. I went to the local head shop bc i was interested in vaporizers. and they have two different ones im interested in. One is about the size of a pen and you use a lighter to work it( it basically looks like a pipe). The other is a typical brown wooden box one that pluggs into a wall outlet. Now i dont want to mess up my lungs at all for running so which one would yall reccomend? any expierance with either type. The first is 50$ the other 90$.


Well-Known Member
ok well i can tell u that i am an oregon state athlete and i have also checked into vapes. i have learned most suck and dont work. u get really small hits off of them because u have to suck soooo slow. the little glass one is a rip off man id just set that back down lol. but anyways i finally bought a volcano. i know its expensive trust me. but if u are really into running and u have to smoke. then its the only way. unless u like cooking lol. others work also but it is so amazing and comes with 3 year warrenty and guarenteed to be completely safe. pretty much one of the best things i could have ever invested in. oh plus its very efficant u can get at least 3 big bags off of a .5-1.0g

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
Okay so since i started doing track i have had to stop smoking out of my lovely bong. I went to the local head shop bc i was interested in vaporizers. and they have two different ones im interested in. One is about the size of a pen and you use a lighter to work it( it basically looks like a pipe). The other is a typical brown wooden box one that pluggs into a wall outlet. Now i dont want to mess up my lungs at all for running so which one would yall reccomend? any expierance with either type. The first is 50$ the other 90$.
i have never used one but i really want to. you should do some research first due to the different types. your better off spending more on a good one that will last longer and work better with controlled heat. i just dont have the cash for one right now.
here is one i was looking at. not sure if its any good though.

this one works great from what i have heard. lol


Active Member
With vaporizers you get what you pay for. meaning dont look for something cheap cause it will be a waste of weed, in my opinion there is only one vaporizer and thats a volcano but be prepared to shell out around 500 bucks and even more if you want a digital temp


Well-Known Member
thats not true. yes it is the same concept but they have it dialed in just right it avoid combustion and get 98% of what ur looking for(THC). i mean its all very high grade stuff. ive left mine on for a whole day found out is has auto shut off. i have used the fuck outa mine and its just like new. plus still has 2 years warrenty.

i have had no side effects during runing or any other phisical activity while using the volcano. note: there is a strong tinlgle to the lungs if potent and turned on max setting and held in. this is just the absorbtion of all the thc and other cannibinoids. lol god i ramble sometimes


Well-Known Member
thats not true. yes it is the same concept but they have it dialed in just right it avoid combustion and get 98% of what ur looking for(THC). i mean its all very high grade stuff. ive left mine on for a whole day found out is has auto shut off. i have used the fuck outa mine and its just like new. plus still has 2 years warrenty.

i have had no side effects during runing or any other phisical activity while using the volcano. note: there is a strong tinlgle to the lungs if potent and turned on max setting and held in. this is just the absorbtion of all the thc and other cannibinoids. lol god i ramble sometimes

explain dialed in if it was dialed in than why can u change the temp????


Well-Known Member
it has a dialed in max temp of like 446 F which is just below the flash point of combustion. it gets the most out of ur bud with out all of the other carcinogens. plus the convienece of having the only mouthpiece like it for vaps.


Well-Known Member
it has a dialed in max temp of like 446 F which is just below the flash point of combustion. it gets the most out of ur bud with out all of the other carcinogens. plus the convienece of having the only mouthpiece like it for vaps.
i under stand that butif u set a digital heat gun to 446 it wont go over 446.i own both and to me i dont find a difference other than price.
I have a vapogenie and I love it. It was 60 bucks after shipping and handling look it up. Seems like everyone on here doesn't agree but once you learn how to hit this thing it gets you hi as fuck.

And when you hit it right you don't have to suck hard. Look it up the vapogenie


Well-Known Member
well i also own both and yes they do relativley the same thing. this finally just narrows it down to efficancy, reliability, safety, and ease of use.. and that would have to be the volcano. but u pay for it..


Well-Known Member
well i also own both and yes they do relativley the same thing. this finally just narrows it down to efficancy, reliability, safety, and ease of use.. and that would have to be the volcano. but u pay for it..

ease of use is a downfall,which is the reason i bought the volcano to replace the heatgun.


Well-Known Member
go with the wooden one it seem like it should be better since it takes some try and error with the flame


Well-Known Member
You can also try the vaporstar its kinda like the vaporgenie but only diff is that it fits onto most bongs and is only like 45$ and its effective once you get the hang of it