Vaporizer Questions


Active Member
Alright so I just got a Digital Easy Vape & I was wondering if someone could maybe help me learn to use it to it's full potential. Now the first thing that confused my stoner friends & I is that it reads from 200 to 400 degrees in what we first thought to be Fahrenheit, but then we realized that the US is the only country using standard measurements still. So that means when we put it at 400 (Celsius we now understand) it's actually burning at 752 Fahrenheit, which is way too hot from what I've gathered. The product was coming back out almost completely black (I'll attach some pics at the bottom), but it wasn't turning to grey ash so wouldn't that mean that it is still better for you that way than actually smoked?

But now I have done a little research & understand that THC burns at 200 Celsius, but still everytime I try to burn at 200 nothing happens really. I usually end up going up to about 250 in a slow manner until I believe it's working correctly & then just save the end product because I saw a video where a guy said that it could still be cooked with & even smoked (through a bong, pipe, or paper; whichever your weapon of choice) for a different high. That same video says that some people are going to want the end product to be a brown & others will want it to be a black, basically that different temperatures will have a different effect. Can anyone please explain things to me so that I may understand this vaporizer & how I should be using it better?




Active Member
When i first got my vape i was a little confused too, but once you figure it out....WOW do you get high lol. that being said i set mine at 370-390 degrees Farenheit which is between 187-190 degrees C. Maybe you need to wait for the vape to heat up a little bit before you start using it. also try this, when your inhaling try to inhale for as long as you can. the reason for this (from what im told) is when you breath in for a long time more thc gets vaperized before the weed starts to burn.

as for re-using the spent weed. i save it in a little glass jar until i have enough for a fat blunt then i take the keef from the bottom of my grinder and sprinkle some of that on top and BAM! A damn good blunt

Sr. Verde

When i first got my vape i was a little confused too, but once you figure it out....WOW do you get high lol. that being said i set mine at 370-390 degrees Farenheit which is between 187-190 degrees C. Maybe you need to wait for the vape to heat up a little bit before you start using it. also try this, when your inhaling try to inhale for as long as you can. the reason for this (from what im told) is when you breath in for a long time more thc gets vaperized before the weed starts to burn.

as for re-using the spent weed. i save it in a little glass jar until i have enough for a fat blunt then i take the keef from the bottom of my grinder and sprinkle some of that on top and BAM! A damn good blunt
Good sound advice here.

Are you absolutely sure that its in Celsius? 750 or whatever F is an INSANE temperature and that weed should be burning to hell

Can we get pics of your vape?