

Active Member
I've been on here for a while and I've posted a couple of posts. I've been considering getting a vaporizer because me and my girlfriend have asthma and smoking does a have a negative effect on it. I've been reading about the different types, convection etc. and looking at a few, mainly the hotbox types and this VAPORMATIC Vaporizer AIR-2 VAPIR | Vaporizers Giant | Cheap Vaporizers Wholesale Prices | Volcano Air2 Vapir.

We do enjoy smoking joints, it's a nice feeling, I was just wondering what peoples experiences are with vaps compared to smoking. What's the sensation like, can it really replace smoking, how effective are the different types?

Thanks in advance :joint:


Active Member
Did search, found out much of what I wanted to know, just wondering if any one has experience with the vap I mentioned?


Well-Known Member
I've been on here for a while and I've posted a couple of posts. I've been considering getting a vaporizer because me and my girlfriend have asthma and smoking does a have a negative effect on it. I've been reading about the different types, convection etc. and looking at a few, mainly the hotbox types and this VAPORMATIC Vaporizer AIR-2 VAPIR | Vaporizers Giant | Cheap Vaporizers Wholesale Prices | Volcano Air2 Vapir.

We do enjoy smoking joints, it's a nice feeling, I was just wondering what peoples experiences are with vaps compared to smoking. What's the sensation like, can it really replace smoking, how effective are the different types?

Thanks in advance :joint:
High bosca... I have an SSV and a Vapolution.... I like the SSV

Silver Surfer Herbal Vaporizer Oil Diffuser/ Ceramic heater.

If you vape alone or with 1-2 others the SSV is great... you get what you want (size hit) when you want it.. but you gotta pass the 'WHIP' (bowl) and the SSV stays put.
Forget the Vapolution... too much practice to get it right (good for car use).

If you have 'parties' the the volcano is the tiicket. Although they cost just shy of $700!
Never used one but everyone that has them swears by them.. I won't get into that but the SSV costs $250..

And.. the MJ smell is unrecognizable when vaped... more like burnt corn cobb..

And before you spend $25 on one of those glass tubie thingies:
a penis enlarger might be more sucessful in accomplishing its' mission... LOL!!! Don't!

Oh yes.. I now only "smoke" pot when I'm out with friends. I vape 100% at home.

Good luck with sorting it out. OH yeah.. I'm a retail florist and have nothing to do with sellin no vapes.
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Active Member
Cool, thanks. I'm going to be in Amsterdam playing a few gigs in August so I'll hit the Rusland and try their Volcano and try any others I can and maybe bring something nice home. :)

Active Member
Pleased to meet you, Bosca. I'll confess, I'm brand new to this website and really haven't figured it out. I started using a vaporizer a couple of months ago. I was a heavy pipe smoker. The difference was amazing and almost overnight! No more hacking up nasty stuff. No more of that turn-off, nasty cough breaking out all times of the day. I'm still searching for tips from other users myself. I have found something I read to be true ; that the high is more clear (difficult to describe) I heard it was because the toxins you're inhaling when actually burning mj call up responses from your immune system that include endorphins. I was almost inferring from that that the high is more sativa-like. (Which is my preference.) I'm still experimenting with the sativa/indica ratio and heat settings. (I understand THC, what sativas are mostly made up of, burns at a lower temp than cannabinoids. (Indicas) Make sense? I ended up buying a Digi-Vap. It's like a Volcano, but the bag is side-mounted.
Let me know if this helps any?


Active Member
Yeah, I've heard that, that'd be great for me because I like a nice sativa high and I can't exactly pick out what type of weed I get because the man says no! I really like the look of the silver surfer, having looked at the design of that and of others I'm currently leaning towards it. It's simple so hopefully reliable. I'll keep an eye out next time I'm in the dam.

Cheers for the input!


Well-Known Member
ok so i found this vaporizer me and my friends used to have when we lived in an apartment. i totally thought i had thrown it away.. but anyway..

when we did have it, it didn't really work. then i just figured we were retarted and stuck to the bowl and blunts. now i have it and im curious about it again even though I have no idea how to correctly use it. I mean it burns but fuck not enough. ive never got high with the vaporizer but ive attempted it only 3 times.

i dont think im doing something wrong i think its just a piece of shit