Veg/Flowering Question

Darth Stonar

Active Member

I am growing a variety of strictly tomato plants in CT. They were started in soil under fluorescents and remained indoors under those lights for 1 month from the beginning of April until the beginning of May. Then I took them and put them outside in a cold box for a few weeks. I planted them in the ground around the middle of May. They showed their sex around the end of May. They seem to be flowering but much slower than the typical 8 week pace. They are between 3 and 5 feet tall at this point. I am using Neem oil to keep some bugs away with decent success. I have fox urine and deer blood to keep those bastards away, although they have taken a few.

My question is are these things going to finish flowering at the end of September/ beginning of October, or are they going to finish earlier?