Veg inside flower outside


Will this speed up the process anymore by vegging inside till desired height
and is it the same as doing inside 12/12 as flowing out with the same amount of light,and can i go from hydro vegging inside to soil outside?


Well-Known Member
no because they will not flower untill its time outdoors so, no matter when u put them out, they will flower when Mother Nature says so. I am actually doing the complete opposite. i started them inside, introduced them to the outside where, they will veg till I can buy an HPS. This idea seems to be the best because during veg there is no aroma and the sunlight is free. If you have a patio/proch i would suggest this. My plants are only 4 weeks from seed and they are all over 18" with lots of leaves and I am growing them in beer cups still.


i beg to differ, i am growig outside, they have been out since i put the seeds in the ground first week of may, and i am at least a month from flowering maybe more depending on nature and my yard smeels like someone ran over a skunk, so no, they definatly do smell when vegging


the reason i asked is because where i live the most lighted day is 14 hours and the least is 11 yesterday was summer solstice longest day of the year and now days will shorten untill december i have my babys inside at three feet and want to use natraul sunlight instead of 1000 watts in bloom i have four others outside i put at two feet in april and theres buds everywhere i will post some pics


Well-Known Member
My veggies smell also. Maybe it depends on the strain, but WW's smell from the time they have their fourth set of leaves especially when you "fondle" them :)


and it seems to me so long as there getting twelve hours of light it be the same,say for instance i covered them if the day was to long seems you could flower all year round


the only thing u can do to force flower them that i know of is put a black trash bag over them in the evening or night depending on your sun so u can get the 12/12 , but i dont know many details about doing so, as far as how long u need to do it and when u stop using the bags will they go back to veg state but im sure if u look around or ask around here u will most definatlt find an answer to thoes ?'s, i plan to do so myself here pretty soon, and also, they WILL continue to get taller as they flower, flowering does not stop the growth of the plant, it just changes how it does it, i do believe that it will not grow near as fast tho.


Well-Known Member
If you live in a latitude like close to the Ecuador where the longest day is 12.4 hours per hour, could you veg indoors and then flower under the sun for the same 8 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Just a little point of correction today is the first day of fall in the northern Hemp. or the first day of spring in the southern Hemp. So depending on where you live it is either spring or fall today. In the north this is the fall equinox, the days are getting shorter. With decreasing days your plants are naturally going to want to flower. In the spring with increasing light your plant will grow through veg until the summer solistice which is on the 21st of June in the north.
I use a combination of lights, darkroom and the great outdoors to grow. You can flower outside (northern hemp) now simply by placing them outside. During the increasing days if you want to use this method you must move your plants inside or cover them in some manner in order to switch to the flower phase.
Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Where I live there's no fluctuation the Average daytime for the year is 12.2 Hours at most, the weather is perfect for mj also. YES it's a tropical beautiful paradise... so could it be done?... Like have a 400W MH vegging my moms inside and just use Mother earth to flower in 8-11 weeks? even SOG?


Well-Known Member
Sure you can do it, I live in Costa Rica and we have much the same here. If you like you can look at my journals and they tell you have I have done it. My method has changed a little since I started but nothing major just a little tweak here and there.


Well-Known Member
Hi thanks for your reply "hermano",
would you need an specific method like you're saying?, because I thought I could literally clone and Flower, given the constant photo-period. Are there any differences in light expentrum/intensity over the year @ out latitude?, Do we have harvest seasons of any kind?