Veg light cycles question


As I was browsing for knowledge I came across a tidbit of information that I thought possibly was incorrect. I'd like to hear what some of the more experienced growers on RIU have to say about it.

It was said that a "24hr light cycle while vegging was better than an 18/6 cycle BECAUSE the plants grow more and stretch less. While an 18/6 cycle causes the plants to stretch NOT grow"?????

In my experience (which is limited) I found when I went from 24 hrs to 18/6 I noticed more foliage growth, my plants were not stretched and thrived. Under the 24 hr cycle it seemed the plants were slow in growth, height wise and foliage growth.

What's the straight scoop?


Active Member
in this business there is no straight scoop. you read what you need to know and the rest is your way, nobody elses.

the biggest thing i've found is the difference between UK'ers and US'ers and Canadians. Nodody does the exact same thing.

It's your grow do what 'feels' right. their forgiving weeds.


Active Member
I notice the same thing... 18/6 seems to grow quicker. Wouldn't you be all pissed and not want to do anything if you never got any sleep? that is my thinking...


24 hours of light works fine. As long as you keep everything right (temp, humidity, nutrients, water) then there is no reason to go 18/6. It's photosynthesis. Not witch craft ;)

I use 400 watt metal hallides right off the bat. That being said, I do germinate them and park them under a couple 24 inch cfl's for 3 or 4 days before they go under the big light. Just seems over kill to pump 400 watts into a 1 inch plant. I wait til they're 3ish inches LOL
The CFL's are a bit gentler for the babies and you can place them like 1 inch away from the leaves.


Well-Known Member