Veg room needed?


Well-Known Member
I completed my set up this Friday night and I'm just not happy with it. For one my neighbor helped me and he is not much of a carpenter. I have the skills but it was like working with a 3 year old. I got tired of telling him "No it has to be 90 degrees to the cross member. No you have to hold it against the wood stronger then that, I am trying to drill this and need you to hold it stronger then that. No dont cut the plastic yet, we dont even have the frame up yet, how will you know if it's the right size until we do?"

Now my wall studs are not stright and it look's 1/2 ass. Like it was tossed up in 10 minutes even though working with him it took us a couple of hours (I shoudl have done it myself, I would have been quicker and cleaner). So today I am going to take it down and rebuild. But from some of the set ups I have seen, is a Veg room even needed? The current set up is 4x8 each room 4x4. I would like each to be a 5x5 room, I can set them both up to be that size, but if it's over kill and not needed I would like to save some time by not bothering with the build of a veg room.


Active Member
If ur doing only 1 grow at a time 1 room should do and use a separate cab or rubbermaid tank for ur clones and or mother plant