Veg Time


Active Member
If size is not a problem in an indoor grow, how long do you growers starting from seed like to veg your plants before flowering. I'm tring to get a feel from you long timers to the best balance of time vs. yeild. i guess my real question is what is the shortest you might veg and still expect a good yeild. maybe you go by when they reach a certain hieght? i know this will vary alot and i do use 2 600 mh for veg. they seemed to veg slow on my first attempt but stayed low and bushy. i think it was 8 weeks on that veg. they had already shown sex and the branchs were alternate. they were between 12" to 18" at this time. i did however get them off to a rocky start being the first time and all. now i'm planning out my second try so any ideas would help. I love riu!!! You guys are great!!!