Vegged 2 indoor plants around 5mnths put out in early April


New Member
I transplanted outdoors around early april , We have had nice weather here in ky ,,
I wanted to have more plants this year but have had trouble getting good seeds and healthy plants besides the 2 i vegged inside.
OK so they are now outside and one started flowering early because the light cycle inside was 24/0//
it is now june 23 and i think the one has reverted back to vegg not sure but it still has lots of bud spots that had started..My main concern is will the plant continue to thrive till harvest? I have been using ferts and coffee grounds they are short but nice and bushy with limbs extending and new growth starting.
I plan on using my flower ferts when the time is right. Any help /tips suggestions or outcome predictions welcome...I plan to do the same things next year ...
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