Vegging against topping or not.......''


Well-Known Member
Hello Guys,

Firstly i shall run this interesting test myself over the next few months this what it is,

Now many people top as opposed to just leaving there plant and having one main cola. (I know there are a few other methods but lets leave them out of this topic for convernience)

Most say you should let your plant veg for at least until the plant reaches 12 inch high,

thats all good and well and say for one main cola fine.

My point is once the plant reaches 12 inches and you top back down to 10 inches for example, you not only get more branches, bud sites but also more veg time which equals a stronger plus more roots a bigger stronger stork so technically this should be better i'm thinking?

I'm going to try both ways just wondering if anyone else has a take on this...''


Well-Known Member
Topping is over rated.

Yes you may well be right,

What I'm trying to say is the longer you veg,

the stronger and bigger the root zone, you should then have a thicker stronger stork,
this can then feed the bud sites with more nutrient uptake so bigger buds.

So my point is this,

By allowing the plant to grow naturally to about 12 inches in height rather than flowering at that point, top the plant back down to say 8 inches, by the time the plant grows back up to 12 inches you should have a better mass of roots and stronger stork so i'm thinking it should on that basis give you a heavier end plant of buds.

So i'm topping more to allow the vegging time to increase so to build up extra root zone and a stronger overall plant.


topping and training can greatly improve your yield with the right veg


Well-Known Member
topping and training can greatly improve your yield with the right veg

I used to prefer LST but it seems alot of effort and now i'm liking the topping which gives you the same result i'm thinking. Yes your right if needed i will LST just to get my finished canopy right.

So long as i get a strong mass of roots i really should now get very good results.

Really looking forward to this grow i have wonder women looks good and strong already.


Well-Known Member
Yes the longer you veg for the larger root mass,stock,flowers. Every thing gets larger. I train and do not top mine. Topping is for controlling height. I prefer a shit load of branches with a huge bud on each.


Well-Known Member
having problems with pictures.
Nice pictures my friend,

Pure quality grow many thanks always good to see what can be achieved if you learn and keep improving.

Many people say topping increases yeild or basically just splits the cola in half etc.

I am using it to stop height with the least amount of effort and also to allow me to increase my veg time.

My only question is this does topping in any way decrease the yeild??

If not then i'm on a winner and am sure i will get a very good increase in yeild.


Active Member
depends on your situation and area and number of plants you can go and so on. look at my plants i turned 6 plants into a solid 16x12 canopy of tops that after males turned into 3 plants with an almost solid canopy and 4 plants in the 2nd tub


Well-Known Member
From what i have learned topping reduces my yield. Cut the top off and i get less branches. Less branches less yield. Big whip 2 come out the top. If i dnt top i can get 6 more branches.


Well-Known Member
From what i have learned topping reduces my yield. Cut the top off and i get less branches. Less branches less yield. Big whip 2 come out the top. If i dnt top i can get 6 more branches.

OK that's a worry, so are you saying topping actually reduces yeild?

Or are you saying if done incorrectly it can reduce yeild?

Because there's a ton of information from every corner of the web that says it increases yeild????


Well-Known Member
Your both right

Not doing anything and allowing the plant to grow out will give higher yields than a small topped plant,
look at FDD's trees in his backyard :weed:

BUT if ya gotta go smaller due to space limitations then topping can increase your yields.

If ya got space for it top above the 4th (instead of the 2nd) node, instead of 2 to 4 you'll get 8 to 10

It's all about HOW you wanna do things based on WHERE your doing em