vegging an entire winter then outdoor for flowering?


Active Member
Hey everyone, I was just wondering about this

I was thinking, I could start growing some plants indoors in the winter then once it gets warm enough and the light cycle outdoor is sufficient, I can plant them outside in may or so and harvest regular time and have a massive yield!

What do you think? I would transfer from buckets to directly in the ground so they can expand there root system like crazy.
Also, when should I start vegging? What happens if you veg from say November till May? Would the plants become uncontrollable?

I know I can just flowering them indoors, but I have roomates and don't want them smelling it like crazy, plus I wanna have 1 massive ass plant at the end of it all

You can do it, but its definitely not necessary to get massive plants. You can just as easily start your grow in February or March, then put them in gigantic holes after your last expected frost.


Active Member
How big do you think it could get if started in november, with and without nutes?

Just brainstormin ideas for the future, would be wicked cool to pull off a crazy high yield grow by simply starting very early


Active Member
I bet you can get the trunk...I say trunk cuz it's gonna get thick...3-4 inches easily... You gonna pull clones from her?


Well-Known Member
You can do it, but its definitely not necessary to get massive plants. You can just as easily start your grow in February or March, then put them in gigantic holes after your last expected frost.
Not unless you supplement the light, or in the northern hemishpere in most places if you plant in Feb. or Mar. your plants will start to flower as soon as they're mature, as opposed to vegging throughout the summer...That is unless you make sure they have an extended light cycle by providing them with an artificial light source to think the days are long enough to keep vegging.


Active Member
Theoretically I'd be vegging indoors right until the light cycle is 1 hour from its peak, or maybe at its peak (solstice is the term? i cant remember) aka, right until July.

Or match it to a point where the plant won't go into flowering so like May or June perhaps. I could use it for clones then plant the clones outside all over the place like a gorilla grow. I'm just brainstorming for potential grows in the future.