vegging cycle question about lighting


Well-Known Member
What do you guys think about a 20/4 lighting cycle during my veg state. Everything ive read shows people running a 16/8 or a 24/7 cyle. My plants have been on a 20/4 cycle for 10 days and are looking great. Do you think changing it would help at all or keep doing what im doing? These are my plants after germinating for 2 days and spending 10 days in my bubbleponics system.

4 white widow x big bud
1 CH9 jack 33
1 Afghan #2



Well-Known Member
i personally run 18/6 some say running 24/0 keeps the node distance shorter..i would keep doing what youre doing.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I meant to start 18/6 but I set my timer for 20/4 and realized it a few days ago. I plan on keeping it at 20/4 till the flower stage since thats what the girls are used to and seem to be liking it. I just wanna see what people think the pros and cons are of 18/6 vs 20/4


Well-Known Member
Well guess im trying something new then! Well probably not new im sure others have done this but I think im gonna stay with the 20/4 light cycle, seems to be working so far. Unless someone can come up with a reason why this is bad vs 16/8. Let me know and I will keep you updated on my 20/4