Ventilation Ignorance


Alright so Im going to be cutting a hole in the wall towards the top of my closet and one on the opposite side towards the bottom. The one at the top will be my exhaust and the one at the bottom will be my intake. I have two questions on these. Where do I place the exhaust fan and intake fan. Will it be outside the room connected to the duct or on the inside of the room where the duct starts? Also lets say I was to construct a carbon scrubber, where would i place this in relation to the ducting and the exhaust fan?


Well-Known Member
1. Place the fans outside of your closet (preferrably in the attic)
2. Definately use a carbon filter. Place it inside the closet, near the top.

Mount the filter --> ducting --> enclosed light hood --> ducting --> inline fan up in the attic -----> ducting to outside air. Duct to a roof vent. Get a good sized inline fan and use a good speed controller to control the temperatures in your room.

The hole at the bottom of the closet for fresh air is nice, if you've got a source of cool fresh air. No fan is nessesary on intake if done adequately. DO NOT try to pull fresh air off of your roof.

Good ventillation is absolutely mandatory, and most people consider it last. It's very good that you are starting with that in mind.


Cool, that all makes perfect sense but I'm not familiar with the enclosed light hood. What is that and what does it do?

Good ventillation is absolutely mandatory, and most people consider it last. It's very good that you are starting with that in mind.
And thanks, I can't take all the credit for my awareness on the importance of Venting. I've read a lot and talked to some wise people on these forums.


Well-Known Member
Here is some good info on ventilation:

An enclosed hood is simply that, enclosed in glass but with duct holes on the ends. That allows you to vent the heat generated by your light bulb. Walk into your local hydro store and you'll quickly see the difference. One kind is completely open, like an umbrella. The enclosed hoods have a glass shield. Mine has hinged glass to easily access and change the bulbs. (Bulb changes happen twice per cycle)


So vent ignroance is a good place for me to post this question... I have my inline fan mounted in the attic and probably 15 to 10 feet of ducting running back to my enclosed hood. Its a 175CFM fan but my temp in my 4x3x5 tent are WAY too high now. Will moving my fan closer to the tent increase the suction? Im just not sure if the distance from the fan is decreasing the vaccume..