

Active Member
so i got 90% of the stuff i need for trying out my first grow..........i was wondering if theres any potential problems with too much ventilation? ie i got a wee lil powerful exhaust fan at 530cfm when i only need somehing like i was wondering if this will be an issue or not likely after ducting scrubbers etc? i was also thinking about building 2 scrubbers one in the grow room on the intake portion of the fan for a pre-clean and 1 at the house exit where its being pumped


Well-Known Member
i dont think there can be a thing such as 'too much' ventilation, imho.

unless of course you got some serious windtunnel in there sucking your plants out


Active Member
lol yeah i got one of them 4x4x6.5 grow tents and i envisioned it being all setup neat and proper.then i turn the fan on and woooosh.....the hole tent and its contents get sucked thru the fan........was pretty funny maybe i should toke less =)


Well-Known Member
if it makes you feel anybetter

i have 2 - 6" for my light and one for the main exhaust and i also have a 4" fan for my intake. (yes this is in a 3'11x3'11 tent)

welcome to the overkill club my friend


Well-Known Member
Put a rheostat on it so can dial it down to your needs. It is better to have a fan that will do the job without being stressed, but you may not need to replace the atmosphere in your tent every 30 seconds. Also, maintaining the 80 degree temp. will be difficult without a rheostat. Double scrubbers is a good idea! You have the fan for it anyway!:-P


Active Member
hehe yeah i was looking at getting a fan speed controller is that the same as a rheostat? the fan i got is a 6incher too was pretty cheap only like 100bux and at the time i was doing math wrong and was thinking i needed a 530cfm fan lol yeah iwas talking to my buddy about smell and odor since this grow is at yet another mates house (his conditions were no smell and pay any differance in electric) and i really liked the look of quicksets DIY box carbonscrubber

and im not sure but ive heard that too much fanpower wil be less odor control as its forced thru the carbon to fast to clean it (dont qoute me on this) so i was thinking ill build 2. 1 in the grow room for the inital heavy odor cleaninsing then attach one to the exhast at the basement window frame to catch anything that was left by having to much suction/blow......

and to get off topic...any suggestions on a hydro style system to go with..i was thinking mr greens style of dripveg/ebbflow/flower and since im working with only 1 room atm make it so they switch out easily using same rez.....theres just so many options and its my first grow and im not sure whats best for just starting out lol.