

I'm starting my first grow and I have the perfect space to grow some plants. Its a big cabinet that has 2 sections. The bottom section is L=6'80" W=2' H=5'62" which will be for flowering and the top section is L=6'80" W=2' H=1'22" which will be for veg, clones, and mothers. The cab is against the wall and im going to cut a hole in the bottom of the cab to bring in fresh air from outside (passive), then ill cut a 6" hole at the top of the flowering cab and use a 6" fan to push the hot air above into the veg cab, then ill cut another hole at the top of the veg cab and use a 4" fan so the hot air from both cabs will be pushed into the attic. Will that work?
Do I need a 6" fan for the veg cab too? Should I use 2 carbon filters or 1 for the veg or 1 for the flowering cab? Should I go 6" or 4"? Thats kind of where at right now, any help is appreciated. Here's a diagram i sketched up. :leaf:

